
Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2020 to 2021

This statistics bulletin provides information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. It includes information on the number of approaches made, as well as details on the reasons for the approaches made, the activities undertaken, and the outcomes.

Prevention activity

Most prevention activity carried out was general housing advice or informing clients of their rights under homeless legislation
Bar chart showing the types of prevention activity carried out in 2020/21

Again, there was large variation at local authority level with 'financial assistance', 'negotiation with landlords' and 'help to move' being relatively more common amongst a small number of local authorities.

Vast majority of activity undertaken by the local authority, particularly in the housing department
Pie chart showing the organisation carrying out prevention activity in 2020/21

Maximum type of activity

42% of activity involved providing active information, sign-posting or explanation only.

58% of prevention activity involved casework.

Very few local authorities report advocacy work, with Angus and East Lothian being highest with 6% and 4% of all activity, respectively.



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