
Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2020 to 2021

This statistics bulletin provides information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. It includes information on the number of approaches made, as well as details on the reasons for the approaches made, the activities undertaken, and the outcomes.


Over half of approaches result in a homelessness application
Doughnut chart showing the outcome of housing option approaches in 2020/21

Fife had a higher proportion than any other LA with an outcome of LA/RSL tenancy, 32% of outcomes compared to 5% across Scotland.

Note that while 5% had an LA/RSL tenancy as the outcome of their housing options approach, many of those who make a homeless application will also go on to a local authority or registered social landlord tenancy.

Across Scotland, it took an average of 159 days to close a housing options case. This has increased from 104 days in 2019/20, tying in with the increase in the number of open cases.

The time to close cases varied greatly by local authority with North Ayrshire taking 314 days on average and Dundee City taking 24 days on average. This may be reflective of the differences in housing options service provision between local authorities.

To note, that although North Lanarkshire[4] had the highest average length of time at 846 days they have noted that this is due to a delay in closing cases and therefore not a true reflection of service provision.



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