Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Statistics: Scottish Local Authority Housing Income and Expenditure 1997-98 to 2020-21 (actuals) 2021-22 (estimates)

This annual publication presents statistics on Local Authority housing income and expenditure 2020-21 (actuals) and 2021-22 (estimates) including the balance at the end of the year, stock, rents, management and maintenance, empty properties, rent arrears, capital expenditure and borrowing.

Expenditure on housing management and on repairs and maintenance (charts 5, 6 & 7) (tables 10, 11 & 12)

23. In 2020-21, the 26 Local Authorities with council dwellings spent £2,063 per house on management and maintenance, which is forecast to rise by 9% to £2,254 in 2021-22. As reported at paragraph eleven councils reported that COVID-19 has affected repairs and maintenance.

24. Spending on management and maintenance for 2020-21 ranges from £1,573 per house in Midlothian to £2,692 in East Renfrewshire. Differing accounting practices and differing service provision amongst councils mean that the figures for individual councils may not always be directly comparable and the estimates for management and maintenance expenditure should be treated with caution.

25. Supervision and management costs in 2020-21 were £891 per house and are forecast to increase to £947 per house in 2021-22. As Local Authorities differ in the extent to which central administration and related service costs are included, individual figures may not always be directly comparable.

26. Average annual expenditure on repairs and maintenance was £1,173 per house in 2020-21 and is forecast to rise to £1,308 or 12% per house in 2021-22. Spending on repairs and maintenance in 2020-21 ranges from £681 per house in Perth and Kinross to £1,670 per house in the Shetland Islands.

27. Please note that the HRA repairs and maintenance expenditure referred to in the above paragraphs is separate, and in additional to, the capital investment in council housing stock enhancements referred to elsewhere in this bulletin.

Chart 5: Supervision & managment expenditure per house 1 , Scotland, 1997-98 to 2020-21 1,2,3
Line chart showing amount (pounds) spent on supervision and management per housing, in Scotland, from 1997-98 to 2020-21. Trends in current and constant prices shown.


Current prices: Scottish Government, Communities Analytical Division - based on Housing Revenue Account return provided by Scottish Local Authorities. Constant prices: ONS Consumer Price All Items Index on which 2015 = 100.


1. Six councils transferred their housing stock to the housing association sector, therefore HRA information is not available for them.

2. Vertical lines indicate a break in comparability following transfer of housing stock as follows:
From 2003-04 transfer of housing stock from Glasgow City, Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders,
From 2006-07 transfer of housing stock from Argyll and Bute and Na h-Eileanan Siar,
From 2007-08 transfer of housing stock from Inverclyde.

3. Figures from 2019-20 may have been impacted on by the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions. Consideration should be given to the impact of these restrictions when making any comparisons with other years.

Chart 6: Repairs and maintenance expenditure per house 1 , Scotland, 1997-98 to 2020-21 1,2,3
Line chart showing amount (pounds) spent on management and maintenance per housing, in Scotland, from 1997-98 to 2020-21. Trends in current and constant prices shown.


Current prices: Scottish Government, Communities Analytical Division - based on Housing Revenue Account return provided by Scottish Local Authorities. Constant prices: ONS Consumer Price All Items Index on which 2015 = 100.


1. Six councils transferred their housing stock to the housing association sector, therefore HRA information is not available for them.

2. Vertical lines indicate breaks in comparability following transfer of housing stock as follows:
From 2003-04 transfer of housing stock from Glasgow City, Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders,
From 2006-07 transfer of housing stock from Argyll and Bute and Na h-Eileanan Siar,
From 2007-08 transfer of housing stock from Inverclyde.

3. Figures from 2019-20 may have been impacted on by the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions. Consideration should be given to the impact of these restrictions when making any comparisons with other years.

Chart 7: Management and maintenance expenditure per house 1 , by Local Authority, 2020-21 2
Bart chart showing amount (pounds) spent on supervision and management per housing, by local authority, in 2020-21. Trends in current and constant prices shown.


Current prices: Scottish Government, Communities Analytical Division - based on Housing Revenue Account return provided by Scottish Local Authorities.

Constant prices: ONS Consumer Price All Items Index on which 2015 = 100.


1. Six councils transferred their housing stock to the housing association sector, therefore HRA information is not available for them.

2. Vertical lines indicate breaks in comparability following transfer of housing stock as follows:
From 2003-04 transfer of housing stock from Glasgow City, Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders,
From 2006-07 transfer of housing stock from Argyll and Bute and Na h-Eileanan Siar,
From 2007-08 transfer of housing stock from Inverclyde.

3. Figures may have been impacted on by the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions. Consideration should be given to the impact of these restrictions when making any comparisons with other years.


Email: chma@gov.scot

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