
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Statistics: Scottish Local Authority Housing Income and Expenditure 1997-98 to 2021-22 (actuals) 2022-23 (estimates)

An annual statistical publication which details Local Authority council housing income and expenditure including amount, type and balance at the end of the year.

12. Capital investment

(charts 13, 14) (tables 22a, 23)

12.1 These capital investment figures are not from the HRA data collection but are instead taken from the Scottish Government local government finance data collections including the Local Finance Return (LFR) Capital Return (CR) and the Provisional Outturn and Budgeted Estimates (POBE).

12.2 Local Authorities' provisional capital investment on HRA housing, financed from all sources (including new borrowing, useable receipts and financed from the CFCR from the HRA surplus) in 2021-22 is £988m. This includes £422m on improvements to existing council houses, £501m on new council houses and £64m on other capital expenditure. This expenditure is in addition to the day-to-day maintenance referred to earlier. The councils with the greatest capital investment in new council dwellings in 2021-22 were Aberdeen City (£100m) and South Lanarkshire (£48m). Actual capital expenditure in 2020-21 was £684m.

Chart 13: Gross Housing Revenue Account Capital Expenditure, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2020-21 [Note 4]
Line chart showing gross housing revenue account capital expenditure, in Scotland, from 2010-11-98 to 2020-21. Figures are actuals.
Chart 14: Capital Expenditure on House Improvement and New Building, by Local Authority, 2021-22 (Provisional Outturn) [Note 5] [Note 6]
Bar chart showing capital expenditure on stock improvement and new build, by local authority, in 2021-22. Figures are provisional outturn.



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