Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Statistics: Scottish Local Authority Housing Income and Expenditure 1997-98 to 2022-23 (near actuals) & 2023-24 (budgeted estimates)

This official statistics publication reports council housing income and expenditure. Trends are 1997-98 to 2022-23 (near actuals) to 2023-24 (budgeted estimates).

13. Funding of capital expenditure (chart 15) (table 23)

13.1 In 2022-23, provisional figures show 58% (£619m) of the funding for HRA capital expenditure was from borrowing, 18% came from the Housing Revenue Account (CFCR) (£196m), whilst 16% (£172m) came from capital grants from the Scottish Government.

13.2 Councils raised £41m of capital receipts from asset sales in 2022-23. As noted earlier the provision to end RtB - with a two year notice period - was included in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 and the scheme subsequently closed to all new applicants on 31 July 2016. Historically RtB sales contributed a substantial amount of capital receipts for HRA, but this is no longer the case. However, capital receipts can also come from sales of housing land following demolition, or voluntary sales to private individuals and businesses and other parts of the wider public sector and transfers of small groups of properties to housing associations or transfers of HRA assets to other parts of the Local Authority.

Chart 15: Funding of Housing Revenue Account Capital Expenditure, Scotland, 2022-23 (Provisional Outturn)
Pie chart showing funding source of housing revenue account capital expenditure, in Scotland, in 2022-23.  Figures are provisional outturn.


Email: chma@gov.scot

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