Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Statistics: Scottish Local Authority Housing Income and Expenditure 1997-98 to 2022-23 (near actuals) & 2023-24 (budgeted estimates)

This official statistics publication reports council housing income and expenditure. Trends are 1997-98 to 2022-23 (near actuals) to 2023-24 (budgeted estimates).

Annex: Chart Notes

Note 1: The provision to end RtB - with a two year notice period - was included in the Housing (Scotland) Act which received Royal Assent on 1st August 2014, and the scheme subsequently closed to all new applicants on 31 July 2016.

Note 2: Current prices: Scottish Government, Communities Analytical Division - based on Housing Revenue Account return provided by Scottish Local Authorities. Constant prices: ONS Consumer Price All Items Index on which 2015 = 100. Current (or nominal) prices are in the value of currency for that particular year. Current price is affected by inflation. Constant (or real) prices adjust for the effects of inflation and used to measure the true growth of a timeseries. Constant prices have been deflated using the Consumer Price Index (by ONS) CPI INDEX 00: ALL ITEMS 2015=100 - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk).

Note 3: This calculation includes both let and un-let properties and therefore the amount of rent actually paid by is likely to be slightly higher.

Note 4: For charts showing time series there are three breaks in comparability following transfer of housing stock as follows: from 2003-04 transfer of housing stock from Glasgow City, Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders, from 2006-07 transfer of housing stock from Argyll and Bute and Na h-Eileanan Siar, from 2007-08 transfer of housing stock from Inverclyde.

Note 5: Other sources includes use of Council Tax discounts on second homes/ long term empty properties.

Note 6: Six councils transferred their housing stock to the housing association sector, therefore HRA information is not available for them.

Note 7: Data source is the Local Finance Return Capital and Revenue (LFR CR) statistics produced by the Scottish Government. This source can be found at Scottish local government finance statistics (SLGFS) 2020-21: workbooks

Note 8: Data source is the Local Government Provisional Outturn and Budget Estsimates (POBE) produced by the Scottish Government. This source can be found at Local Government 2021-22 Provisional Outturn and 2022-23 Budget Estimates

Note 9: Figures for Falkirk and Scotland were revised in February 2024.


Email: chma@gov.scot

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