
Housing (Scotland) Act 2014: training pack

Training pack for the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014.

Training Pack introduction.pdf
01 SG Training Pack - Allocations - Legal Framework.ppt
02 SG Training Pack - Allocations - Suspensions.pptx
03 SG Training Pack - Assignations etc.ppt
04 SG Training Pack - streamlined eviction.ppt
05 SG Training Pack - SSST for homeowners.ppt
06 SG Training Pack - Repossession for Adapted.ppt
07 Training Pack - short SSTs for Antisocial Behaviour.ppt

This is a flexible resource which landlords can adapt for their own training and tailor to reflect their own allocations and housing management policies. They do not constitute legal advice and users of the material should bear in mind the disclaimer at the start of the presentations. The slides and speakers' notes can be accessed by downloading the individual Powerpoint file.

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