
Housing (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment results summary

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results summary for the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Recommendations and Conclusions

The evidence collected indicates the Bill is not likely to have adverse impacts on those with protected characteristics. This is seen as all impacts above have been found to be neutral or none, or positive; and no negative impacts have been identified. It is anticipated that, in general terms, the Bill will have a positive impact on all equality groups.

The Scottish Government recognises that future regulations made under these powers could have an impact on people with protected characteristics and it is highlighted that such regulations would be accompanied by an EQIA which will provide a more detailed assessment of the likely impacts arising at that time.

Officials will, when delivering the measures within the Bill, strive to communicate the provisions in a clear and effective manner which takes into account the differing needs of equality groups and ensures that information is accessible to all i.e. both service users and providers.

It is also recognised that it might be necessary to revisit one or multiple EQIAs to take account of any changes to Bill provisions resulting from the parliamentary scrutiny process. As a consequence, the individual policy EQIAs will become living documents requiring review and updating as needed.



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