
Housing statistics: Data quality, sources and suitability

Information on Housing Statistics for Scotland data sources. The aim is to direct users to valuable sources of information and draw attention to any interesting aspects or peculiarities they contain so that future utilisation of the data is well-informed. Further guidance on the collections, procedures, and users of the statistics are provided in the documents at the links below.

Data Quality & Meeting User Needs

Information on the quality of the various figures published as part of Housing Statistics for Scotland (HSfS) is published in this document. It contains a summary of how these figures are collected, any data quality issues that may impact on their accuracy, the quality assurance procedures used to check them and the implications on the uses of these statistics.

Guide to Sources and Uses

The Housing Statistics for Scotland Guide to Data Sources and Uses paper sets out the sources, definitions and methodologies used in the collection of data and their comparability with other data sources.


Data quality and meeting user needs
Guide to data sources and uses
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