
Housing statistics: Sales of social sector housing

The introduction of right to buy legislation in 1979 had a substantial impact on the profile of Scottish housing. Since then, nearly half a million sales of public sector stock have taken place.

Sales tables

The sales tables in this section are based largely on two sources, which differ in terms of coverage, so users should ensure that they read the footnotes to the sales tables:

The SALES1 summary return collects information on applications for and sales of local authority owned housing only.

It covers all sales, not just sales to sitting tenants. Sales figures in local authorities that have transferred their housing stock to housing associations are excluded from the local authority figures.

Applications and sales summary (from SALES1 summary return combined with housing association sales)

  • National summary tables of applications for and sales of social housing.

Applications and sales (LA housing only) (from SALES1 summary return)

  • Quarterly, financial year and calendar year time series of applications by sitting tenants and sales to sitting tenants by local authority area, 1998 to current. Applications and sales in local authorities that have transferred their housing stock to housing associations are excluded from these tables.

The SALES3 case based return collects information on sales to sitting tenants only. This includes right to buy sales, rent to mortgage sales and voluntary sales.

To create a consistent time series of right to buy sales and compare trends across Scotland, sales figures in local authorities that have transferred their housing stock to housing associations are included in the figures.

Sales to sitting tenants (from SALES3 individual return)

  • National sales to sitting tenants by dwelling type, 1979 to current
  • Local authority area time series of sales to sitting tenants, 1996 to current
  • Financial information about sales to sitting tenants - mean market value, selling price and discount, by local authority area, 1996 to current

Components of sales to sitting tenants (from SALES3 individual return)

  • Quarterly, financial and calendar year time series giving a breakdown of the number of right to buy (old terms) sales, right to buy (modernised terms) sales, rent to mortgage sales and voluntary sales


Sales and applications - social sector summary
Sales and applications - local authority time series
Sales to sitting tenants
Components of sales to sitting tenants
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