
Housing statistics quarterly update: March 2020

Trends in new build housing starts and completions by sector, and the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

1. Main Points

There were 21,805 new build homes completed across all sectors in Scotland in the year to end September 2019, an increase of 16%, or 2,972 homes, on the previous year, and the highest number of homes completed since 2008.

There have been increases across private-led completions (19% or 2,668 homes), housing association completions (6% or 230 homes) and local authority completions (5% or 74 homes).

There were 24,873 new build homes started across all sectors in Scotland in the year to end September 2019, a substantial increase of 4,876 homes (24%) on the previous year, and the highest number of homes started since 2007.

Private-led starts increased by 4,516 homes (34%), and local authority starts increased by 377 homes (22%), whilst housing association approvals decreased slightly by 17 homes (0.3%). The total number of homes started in the social sector across both housing associations and local authorities increased by 360 homes (5%).

In the year to end December 2019 there were a total of 9,317 homes delivered through the Scottish Government affordable housing supply programme, which includes off-the-shelf purchases and rehabilitations as well as new builds. This is an increase of 1%, or 61 homes, on the previous year, and is the highest annual figure since the start of the series in 2000.

In the same period, 11,829 affordable homes were approved, a decrease of 716 homes (6%) on the previous year, and 10,765 homes were started, an increase of 380 homes (4%) on the previous year.



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