
Housing statistics quarterly update: March 2020

Trends in new build housing starts and completions by sector, and the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

3. Private-led New Housebuilding

The private sector is the biggest contributor to overall house building, accounting for three quarters (75%) of all homes completed in the 12 months to end September 2019.

Chart 5: Annual private sector led new build starts and completions have both increased substantially in the latest year, with starts close to levels last seen in 2008 (years to end September)

Chart 5: Annual private sector led new build starts and completions have both increased substantially in the latest year, with starts close to levels last seen in 2008 (years to end September)

Chart 6: Private-led quarterly new build starts (since 2011) and completions (since 2013), show a generally upward trend, but with some quarterly volatility in the figures

Chart 6: Private-led quarterly new build starts (since 2011) and completions (since 2013), show a generally upward trend, but with some quarterly volatility in the figures

Figures for the year to end September 2019

Between July and September 2019, 3,999 private sector led homes were completed; 12% more (421 homes) than the same quarter in 2018. This brings the total for the year to end September 2019 to 16,444 which is 19% more (2,668 homes) than the 13,776 completions in the previous year.

There were 4,623 private sector led starts between July and September 2019, 25% more (928 homes) than the same quarter in 2018. This brings the total for the year ending September 2019 to 17,856 which is 34% more (4,516 homes) than the 13,340 starts in the previous year.

Table 2 – Private-led new housebuilding to September 2019

  Starts Completions
Quarter Jul to Sep 2018 3,695 3,578
Quarter Jul to Sep 2019 4,623 3,999
Change +928 +421
Change (%) +25% +12%
Year to Sep 2018 13,340 13,776
Year to Sep 2019 17,856 16,444
Change +4,516 +2,668
Change (%) +34% +19%

Trends since 2007

In 2007 (year to end September) the number of private sector homes started was around 20,000, while completions were just over 21,000. Private sector led new build housing was hit particularly hard by the recession. The number of homes completed dropped steeply between 2008 and 2010 then continued to decrease more gradually to 10,000 in 2012. Since then, the number of homes completed has gradually increased each year, until 2017, before decreasing slightly in 2018, and then increasing substantially in the latest year ending September 2019 to 16,444.

In September 2013 the Scottish Government introduced the Help to Buy (Scotland) scheme which has aimed to support buyers purchasing a new build home and to stimulate the house building industry. Following this, the Help to Buy (Scotland) Affordable New Build and Help to Buy (Scotland) Smaller Developers schemes were launched on 21 January 2016. Further information on the schemes, along with monitoring information setting out numbers of sales and the characteristics of buyers, is available at

Sub-national local authority figures for the year to end September 2019

Map B shows the rates per 10,000 head of population (based on the latest mid-2018 population estimates) of private sector led new build completions in each local authority for the year to end September 2019.

The highest completion rates have been in East Lothian, Midlothian, Edinburgh, Perth & Kinross, South Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Highland. The lowest rates meanwhile, have been in Inverclyde, Dumfries & Galloway, South Ayrshire and Glasgow City.

Map B: New build housing - Private Sector completions: rates per 10,000 population, year to end September 2019

Map B: New build housing - Private Sector completions: rates per 10,000 population, year to end September 2019



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