
Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update (Published 15th March 2016)

This quarterly statistical publication provides information on recent trends in new build housing starts and completions, the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, Local Authority house sales including Right to Buy.


This quarterly statistical publication provides information on recent trends in:

  • New build housing starts and completions by sector (up to end September 2015, with more up-to-date social sector information available up to end December 2015)
  • The Affordable Housing Supply Programme (up to end December 2015)
  • Local authority house sales including Right to Buy (up to end September 2015)

The background data used in this document can be found in the new house building, Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) and local authority house sales web tables, along with an explanatory note.

Chart 1: Quarterly new build completions, 2005-2015

Chart 1: Quarterly new build completions, 2005-2015


Email: Esther Laird

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