
Housing Support Duty to Homeless Households - guidance for local authorities

Guidance for local authorities relating to the Housing Support Duty to Homeless Households that came into force on 1st June 2013.




'To inform development and assist in the completion of non statutory guidance in relation to the implementation of Housing Support Regulations for Homeless Households. To liaise and work with cross sector stakeholders as appropriate to inform the drafting and completion of guidance in the timescales agreed by the Housing Support Guidance Group'.


1. Guidance will be drafted by Scottish Government Homelessness Team officials based upon comments and contributions collected from Group members.

2. General comments from members on the content of Guidance can be collected at the first face to face meeting on 28 th March followed by more detailed and specific comments and contributions from members sent electronically during April (see attached timetable below).

3. As well as having an opportunity of recommending additional members (see current membership list below), members may alternatively wish to liaise with other stakeholders as they feel appropriate to better inform specific comments and contributions to the Guidance.

4. Members may choose to comment on each aspect of the Guidance or may wish to identify an area of expertise (e.g. debt advice, tenancy rights) on which to focus their comments and contributions.

5. The Group may wish to focus specific comments and contributions relating to local authorities initial assessment of homeless households to see if a full assessment is required and on the implementation of the four main themes of Regulations (listed below):

(a) advising or assisting a person with personal budgeting, debt counselling or in dealing with welfare benefit claims
(b) assisting a person to engage with individuals, professionals or other bodies with an interest in that person's welfare
(c) advising or assisting a person in understanding and managing their tenancy rights and responsibilities, including assisting a person in disputes about those rights and responsibilities
(d) Advising or assisting a person in settling into a new tenancy.


Jim Hayton (Chair) Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers
Ken Milroy Aberdeen Foyer
Susan Shone Chartered Institute of Housing
Yvette Burgess Housing Support Enabling Unit
David Ogilvie Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Fiona King Shelter Scotland
Robert Aldridge Homeless Action Scotland
Lewis Hannah Highland Council
Steven Caddis North Ayrshire Council
Audrey McGuiness North Lanarkshire Council
Val Holtom South Lanarkshire Council
Marion Gibbs Scottish Government
In attendance
Stephen White Scottish Government
Matt Howarth (Secretariat) Scottish Government
Alex McGhie (Secretariat) Scottish Government


Thurs 28 March 2013
First meeting of HSGG, opportunity for general comment or proposed specific
content of the Guidance

Thurs 11 April
Deadline for submission of proposed Guidance content

Thursday 25 April
Issue first draft of Guidance to Group

Thursday 9th May
Deadline for comments on first draft and for final proposed content for Guidance

Wednesday 22nd May
Deadline for final Guidance to be sent to Group with papers for final meeting

Wednesday 29th May
Second meeting of Group - Final comments on Guidance

w/c 3 June
Guidance issued


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