
Housing Support Duty to Homeless Households - guidance for local authorities

Guidance for local authorities relating to the Housing Support Duty to Homeless Households that came into force on 1st June 2013.


Better Futures

A web-based IT tool developed through the Housing Support Enabling Unit to enable housing support service providers working with individuals to record their support needs over a period of time.


Sets out the terms of a relationship between the Scottish Government and local government, based on mutual respect and partnership.

Getting It Right for Every Child ( GIRFEC)

A national approach which promotes joint working and partnership between professionals and families, to provide the right help for a child or young person at the right time.

Housing Options Hubs

Five regional groups of local authorities and their partners established across Scotland in 2010 with Scottish Government funding. Focus is on sharing practice and joint working to prevent homelessness through developing housing options approaches.


A system by which information is collected by local authorities and provided to the Scottish Government, about homelessness in their area. The information helps produce statistics on homelessness such as applications to the local authority and the characteristics of homelessness in the area.

Registered Social Landlords

Provider of social housing, also known as housing associations.

Scottish Secure Tenancy

A form of tenancy introduced by the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. Tenants of social housing (local authorities and Registered Social Landlords) will either have a Scottish Secure Tenancy or a Short Scottish Secure Tenancy.

Scottish Welfare Fund ( SWF)

Administered by local authorities and Introduced in April 2013, it provides financial support to the most vulnerable in society in times of crisis. It replaced the previous Social Fund which provided Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants. The SWF provides crisis grants and community care grants for living expenses or household goods.

Single Outcome Agreement

Sets out how Scottish Government and partners such as local authorities will work in the future towards improving outcomes for people who live in an area by finding local solutions.

Supported Accommodation Implementation Group ( SAIG)

Established to consider how best to take forward the recommendations of the cross sector Supported Accommodation Working Group final report, originally published in March 2011. The group's final report and executive summary were published in November 2012.


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