
HSCI Guidance: Facilitating the Journey of Integration

Guidance that Integration Joint Boards may wish to draw upon as they pursue Health and Social Care Integration and look at their own individual and collective development needs

Appendix 3 A Brief History of Integration


Seventy nine Local Health Care Cooperatives established across Scotland to bring health and social care practitioners together to deliver a range of primary and community health services and promote joint working with councils and the voluntary sector.


Scottish Government adopts recommendations from the Joint Futures Group, a collection of senior figures from the health service and local Government. These include shared assessment procedures, information sharing, joint commissioning and joint management of services.


Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act includes powers, but not duties, for NHS Boards and local authorities to work together more effectively.


NHS Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 requires Health Boards to establish one or more Community Health Partnerships (CHPs) in their local area to bridge gaps between primary and secondary healthcare, and health and social care. Between 2004 and 2006 each local area established a partnership which is a subgroup of the health board with strong local representation.


Scottish Government launches the Reshaping Care for Older People Programme to prepare for a projected rise in older people and drive improvements in support and services. The programme and arrangements for the related Change Fund both require closer collaboration between Health Boards and Local Authorities and with the third and independent sectors.


All major political parties include commitments to integrate health and social care in their Scottish Parliament Election manifestos.


Scottish Government consults on its proposals for the integration of adult health and social care.


Publication of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill proposing the creation of 32 Health and Social Care Partnerships, one in each Local Authority area, to replace CHPs/CHCPs.


Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 receives Royal Assent on 1 April.


Email: Brian Nisbet

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