Humanitarian Emergency Fund: annual report 2023-2024

A report on the impact of projects funded through the Humanitarian Emergency Fund in 2023 to 2024.

Section E: Communications: 2023-2024

Communication of the HEF’s work is vital to support the secondary objectives of the Fund:

  • To build wider awareness of humanitarian crises in Scotland and,
  • To increase funding as well as demonstrating the Scottish Government’s (SG’s) role as a responsible global citizen in responding to global humanitarian challenges; and,
  • To bring enhanced transparency and predictability to the SG’s emergency funding.

All eight members of the HEF Panel, supported by the Secretariat, worked collaboratively during the year to communicate about their funded projects as well as the overall impact of the Fund.

This included high profile coverage in Scotland’s key media outlets, a wide range of multi-media content on the web and social media platforms of members as well as awareness raising during public events.

A selection of the communication is highlighted below.

Media highlights

Sudan Coverage – June 2023

In addition to member web and social media content, the launch of the projects featured in Glasgow Live, which has millions of monthly users.

Oxfam also placed an opinion piece from their South Sudan Country Director Manenji Mangundu in the Press and Journal.

In addition, a short film was produced and shared via Oxfam’s social media channels:

Libya Coverage – December 2023

There was limited communication for this Stream 2 activation partly due to the timing over the Christmas period and the extremely challenging operating environment in the Derna area where the disaster occurred.

Afghanistan Coverage – December 2023

Despite the busy pre- Christmas period, Christian Aid secured a piece in the Scotsman based on an interview with their Country Director, Subrata De

The SG News Release with quotes from both Christian Aid and SCIAF was also picked up by STV’s website

Malawi Coverage – February 2024

SCIAF published a video on Facebook and other social platforms from their MEAL officer, Richard Kusseni.

Christian Aid’s blog featured in the Church of Scotland magazine, Life and Work

South Sudan Coverage – February 2024

Launch news release with Ministerial quote and quotes from both activating members - Christian Aid, Oxfam - on STV website.

The launch was also publicised on the SIDA (Alliance website), a new destination to help promote the HEF to a specialist international development audience in Scotland

Loss and Damage Coverage – December 2023

The announcement of £1 million of new, extra funding for loss and damage projects prompted interest from a number of newspapers.

Oxfam’s project was highlighted in the Herald by their Kenya Country Director, Sebastian Tiah.

In addition, the peace caravan activity supported by the project attracted television coverage in Kenya.

Christian Aid produced an opinion piece from their director of policy and campaigns at Christian Aid, Osai Ojigho which was published in the Press and Journal.

Tearfund published a blog on their website from their well-known climate influencer, Laura Young

SCIAF brought attention to their Zambia funding on social media and at the international Gobeshona Conference on locally led adaptation, organised by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development.

HEF Collective Communication

Panel members also supported a range of other communications led by the Secretariat.

The Panel came together in August 2023 to mark World Humanitarian Day by jointly authoring an opinion piece in the Herald under the name of the Panel Chair, Frances Guy.

Public Events

DEC Reception in partnership with NatWest – April 2023

The Cabinet Secretary was invited to speak at a reception of key humanitarian partners hosted by NatWest in Edinburgh where he was able to highlight the SG’s generous support for the DEC’s Ukraine and Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeals.

Holyrood Cross Party Group

The Secretariat briefed the Cross-Party Group on International Development in January 2024 when the Sudan, Afghanistan and Libya projects were highlighted along with ongoing DEC member responses in Ukraine, Turkey and Syria. This was also another opportunity to explain to parliamentarians about the HEF membership and the structure of the Fund.

DEC 60th Anniversary Event

In February, an event hosted by Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Jacqueline McLaren, at the City Chambers was an opportunity to explain to a wide range of humanitarian, diaspora and corporate partners about the Fund, how it works and its more recent achievements. A video produced for the event was well received. HEF Video There was also a Q and A with the deputy head of the SG’s International Department, John Primrose, who explained why the SG had set up the Fund and its achievements over the past few years.

The event was covered by the Herald newspaper which has recently agreed a content partnership with the DEC. Their coverage also highlighted the Scottish Government’s support for the DEC through the Fund.

DEC Pakistan Appeal 1st Anniversary

A key part of the DEC’s new strategy is to highlight the impact of public, institutional and corporate support donations. Central to this is a secondary publicity campaign for each appeal. An update on the Pakistan Appeal and the SG’s contribution to the Appeal featured in the Herald newspaper, including a quote from the First Minister.

Similar pieces produced by the Secretariat for the 6 month and 1st year anniversary of the DEC’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal were published in the Scotsman, Herald and the Press and Journal, all referencing the Scottish Government’s support – links below.

Further coverage

This is just a sample of the joint media and social media activity of the Panel in 2023-4, supported by the Secretariat. A full list of links to all the digital communications activity carried out during 2023-4 is referenced in the Annex below.



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