Humanitarian Emergency Fund: annual report 2023-2024

A report on the impact of projects funded through the Humanitarian Emergency Fund in 2023 to 2024.

Section F: HEF Secretariat Performance

HEF Secretariat financial report for 2023 – 2024
Item Budget category 2023-24 Budget 2023-24 Actual
1 Role costs £20,000 £25,191
2 Technical advisory and training £0 £0
3 IT, office equipment and other admin support £3,685 £3,675
4 Travel & subsistence £2,500 £1,353
5 Improved communications platforms/output £3,000 £450
6 DEC Management time £3,500 £5,078
Totals £32,685 £35,748

DEC Contribution £3,063



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