Humanitarian Emergency Fund: annual report 2023-2024

A report on the impact of projects funded through the Humanitarian Emergency Fund in 2023 to 2024.


1 All headline figures included are those of people directly reached through a HEF funded programme. This means that the totals include only direct people reached/implementation for goods and services under a HEF funded programme which are a person, group, or organisation that has been directly involved in a programme or project and has received a direct good or service, including but not limited to non-food items (NFIs), drinking water, temporary shelter, or participated in activities like vocational training, recreational activities, or attendance at safe spaces. This includes anyone who has participated in or been impacted by a HEF funded project and can be identified individually. In some instances, a whole household may be considered as direct beneficiaries, even if the benefit has been provided to a single individual within that household. Assistance is assumed to benefit the entire household, even when provided to a specific individual, such as in cases of cash or food assistance.

2 Source: British Red Cross case study

3 Source: Oxfam case study


5 Source: Christian Aid case study

6 Source: Christian Aid case study

7 Source: Christian Aid case study

8 Source: Christian Aid case study

9 Source: SCIAF case study

10 El Nino is a natural climate phenomenon marked by warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator, which occurs on average every 2-7 years.

11 Source: Christian Aid case study

12 Source: SCIAF case study

13 Source: Christian Aid case study


15 Action Against Hunger, ActionAid, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief, Oxfam, Plan International, Tearfund, and World Vision.

16 The review may be undertaken by an appropriate person within each organisation.



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