
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: island communities impact assessment

Addition to the New Build Heat Standard 2024 – island and communities impact assessment . It is necessary to review this in conjunction with the fuller island communities impact assessment (ICIA) to ensure the context of earlier decision making and measures are fully understood.

7. Decision

7.1. From the evidence and feedback from island communities, as set out above, it is clear that an amendment of the NBHS can address the specific issues and barriers faced by these communities.

7.2. We consider that neither Option 1 nor Option 2 would be sufficient to support the island communities overcome the particular barriers they have highlighted, particularly in relation to electricity grid capacity and resilience; fuel poverty; skills and costs and, fuel availability.

7.3. We consider Option 3, which will allow the use of bioenergy (including wood burning stoves) and peat heating systems, to be the best approach to overcome the issues faced by island and rural communities.

7.4. Given the complexity in providing different geographical solutions in regulations we propose that the NBHS be amended universally, in line with Option 3, which will allow the use of bioenergy heating systems and peat heating systems.



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