
Building standards - non-domestic buildings - ventilation: research

Project to identify any evidence of where the guidance in Standard 3.14 needs to be updated in order to provide greater assurance that adequate ventilation is provided in new non-domestic buildings, which mitigates the transmission of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Appendix A: Survey Questions

Survey on Health-centred Ventilation Design by University of Strathclyde for Scottish Government Building Standards Division

Q1. What design guides and technical literature on ventilation do you currently refer to and apply when:

a) designing new non-domestic buildings and

b) maintaining or assessing provision in existing non-domestic buildings?

Q2. Do you face challenges regarding accessing appropriate design guides and technical literature when designing ventilation systems for new non-domestic buildings?


If yes, please elaborate.

If yes, how do you currently resolve these challenges?

Q3. Do you face challenges when inspecting and maintaining existing ventilation systems.


If yes, please elaborate.

If yes, do you have any suggestions that would help resolve these issues?

Q4. Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the way you

a) design and / or

b) maintain ventilation systems?

If so, how?

Q5. The COVID- 19 pandemic has placed a greater emphasis on good ventilation as a means of mitigating airborne transmission.

Has this resulted in a need for new or additional knowledge and guidance regarding the design of new ventilation systems and/or the operation and maintenance of existing ventilation systems?


If yes, has this been readily available?

Please provide examples if possible.

Q6. Typically, how does the building type and the activities within it affect:

a) the design and operation of the ventilation system in new buildings and

b) the inspection and maintenance of ventilation systems in existing buildings?

Q7. Do you feel that this has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic?


If yes, how?

Q8. Do clients who engage ventilation professionals currently have any concerns about the extent and quality of the guidance and advice that is available to them on ventilation and the transmission of airborne viruses such as COVID-19?

Q9. Do you perceive that owners/operators of buildings know where to source expert knowledge to inspect and advise on the ventilation system in their building?


Do you have any suggestions on how this might be improved?

Q10. Do you believe that CO2 monitors are useful in identifying poor ventilation and alerting building users when indoor air quality drops to undesirable levels?


If not, why not?

Q11. Do you believe that building occupiers/occupants are likely to link higher CO2 levels with concerns about risk of infection?

Yes/No/ Don't know

Q12. Do you believe that occupants can be relied upon to interact with the building and take specific actions in relation to ventilation to reduce infection risk?


If no, why not?

Q13. Beyond CO2 monitoring, what other methods may be used to demonstrate an effectively ventilated building?

Q14. What existing guidance do you find most reliable for managing indoor air quality and do you think this guidance is sufficient to reduce transmission of airborne infectious diseases?

If not sufficient what is lacking?

Q15. Please provide your views and/ or experience of the extent to which ventilation systems can be self-monitoring - removing the need for occupant interaction and monitoring, e.g. with ventilation rates based on a suitable proxy and the activity levels within the building, and whether you believe this is desirable.

Q16. Have you encountered situations where physical changes to an existing ventilation system have been needed to improve ventilation in response to concerns over transmission risks?

Yes/ No

If yes, was this to a system designed to current building regulations (post-2015) and current industry design guides and operable as designed?

If yes, can you provide a brief summary of the changes made and why they were recommended?

Please indicate whether or not you are willing to have a follow up conversation with us regarding your views.

Yes / No



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