
Ill Health and Disability Benefits Stakeholder Reference Group: June 2016

Minutes from the June 2016 meeting of the Ill Health and Disability Benefits Stakeholder Reference Group.

Attendees and apologies


  • Jon Shaw, CPAG
  • Rob Gowans, CAS
  • Richard Gass, Glasgow City Council representing SLGP
  • Kate Burton, NHS Lothian
  • Graham Watt, Deep End GPs
  • Donna Burnett, NHS Health Scotland
  • David Formstone, East Dunbartonshire Council representing Social Work Scotland
  • Michael McClements, COSLA
  • Pauline Davidson, Scottish Government, Chair
  • Calum Webster, Scottish Government
  • Laura Ross, Scottish Government
  • Colin Brown, Scottish Government (for agenda item 2)
  • David Toner, Scottish Government
  • Trish Brady-Campbell, Scottish Government
  • Carol Ann Hackland, Scottish Government (for agenda item 4)
  • Chris Boyland, Scottish Government (for agenda item 4)


  • Bill Scott, Inclusion Scotland
  • Annie Gunner Logan, CCPS
  • Jim Carle, Kibble
  • Gill Young, Castle Rock Edinvar
  • Gerry McFeely, NHS Lothian
  • Nicola Dickie, COSLA

Items and actions

Minutes of meeting 25 April 2016

1. The minutes of the previous meeting were considered. Amendments on points of clarity were requested by Jon, Kate and Graham and with agreement to refine as requested, the minutes were agreed.

Action – minutes to be updated and recirculated (SG)

SG Update

2. The Chair provided a brief update on recent developments covering the appointment of the Social Security Ministers and the Parliamentary debate on social security on the afternoon of 9 June.

Legislative Context

3. The SG Social Security Lawyer, Colin Brown, provided an outline of the legislative process that will guide the development and introduction of the Social Security Bill over coming months covering timescales, stages and likely estimates of these.

4. The Group welcomed the information and there followed some discussion relating to whether the majority of the detail surrounding the disability-related benefits would be in primary or secondary legislation, the different options on commencement and delivery, and whether opportunities to amend subordinate legislation following the Scotland Act might present opportunities to create short-term change.

Scenario planning

5. David Toner, Operational Researcher in the Scottish Government, led a session on scenario planning for the Group.

6. The purpose of the session was to look to the long-term future (around 25 years) and consider what we are trying to deliver within the policy area and the different ways we can do this. The Group split into 2 groups for sessions covering a range of policy options and approaches and then regrouped to share their respective discussion.

7. It was advised that this session would feed into the broader ongoing scenario activity which would be analysed and tested as part of options for policy and delivery development.

Action – SG to write up the outcomes from the session and share with the Group for comment.

Consultation questions

8. The draft chapter of the consultation paper covering the disability-related benefits had been circulated to members prior to the meeting, and Group members also had the opportunity to consider comments received from Jon and David.

9. Group members were broadly in support of the comments raised by Jon and David which identified a range of areas and questions that required clarity and context. SG officials agreed to update and reissue the following week for further comment.

10. SG officials advised that the consultation was expected to run from mid-July to October 2016 with a range of consultation events arranged over the period.

Action – SG to circulate sections of the consultation paper that address relevant cross-cutting issues such as appeals, advocacy etc.

The next meeting will be 23 August in Atlantic Quay, Glasgow.



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