
iMatter Health & Social Care Staff Experience Survey 2024

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland. This report contains data from the 2024 iMatter survey.

Demographic Profile

Demographic questions were first introduced in 2021. The profile of respondents taking part in iMatter in 2023 is very similar to 2024. There is an increase in the proportion of respondents choosing not to answer some or all of the demographic questions. For example, in 2023 16% did not answer the age question, in 2024 this increased to 19%.

Demographic Profile 2023 2024
What was your age at your last birthday?
Under 25 years 3% 3%
25 - 34 years 15% 15%
35 - 44 years 21% 20%
45 - 54 years 24% 23%
55 - 64 19% 19%
65 years and over 2% 2%
No Answer Given 16% 19%
What is your sex?
Female 73% 72%
Male 18% 18%
No Answer Given 9% 11%
Do you consider yourself to be trans, or have a trans history?
No 91% 90%
Yes <1% 1%
No Answer Given 9% 9%
What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?
Never married and never registered in a civil partnership 27% 27%
Married 50% 49%
In a registered civil partnership 1% 1%
Separated, but still legally married 2% 2%
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership <1% <1%
Divorced 8% 7%
Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved <1% <1%
Widowed 1% 1%
Surviving partner from a civil partnership <1% <1%
No Answer Given 10% 11%
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Straight/Heterosexual 85% 85%
Gay or Lesbian 2% 2%
Bisexual 2% 2%
Prefer to self-describe 1% 1%
No Answer Given 10% 10%
Demographic Profile 2023 2024
The Equality Act 2010 describes a disabled person as: '...anyone who has a physical, sensory or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'. Do you consider yourself to be disabled within the definition of the Equality Act 2010?
Yes 6% 7%
No 86% 85%
No Answer Given 8% 8%
Do you have any of the following, which have lasted, or are expected to last, at least 12 months?
Deafness or partial hearing loss 3% 3%
Blindness or partial sight loss 1% 1%
Full or partial loss of voice or difficulty speaking (a condition which requires you to use equipment to speak) <1% <1%
Learning disability (a condition that you have had since childhood that affects the way you learn, understand information and communicate) 1% 1%
Learning difficulty (a specific learning condition that affects the way you learn and process information) 2% 2%
Developmental disorder (a condition that you have had since childhood which affects motor, cognitive, social and emotional skills, and speech and language) <1% 1%
Physical disability (a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying) 3% 3%
Mental health condition (a condition that affects your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing) 8% 7%
Long-term illness, disease or condition (a condition, not listed above, that you may have for life, which may be managed with treatment or medication) 11% 11%
Other condition 3% 3%
No condition 55% 56%
No Answer Given 13% 13%
Have you been on maternity/parental or shared parental leave in the last 12 months?
Yes 3% 3%
No 88% 87%
No answer Given 9% 10%
Demographic Profile 2023 2024
What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?
None 51% 52%
Church of Scotland 19% 17%
Roman Catholic 14% 13%
Other Christian 4% 5%
Muslim 1% 1%
Hindu <1% <1%
Buddhist <1% <1%
Sikh <1% <1%
Jewish <1% <1%
Pagan <1% <1%
Another religion or body 1% 1%
No Answer Given 10% 10%
What is your ethnic group?
White 87% 85%
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 1% 1%
Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian 2% 2%
African, Scottish African or British African 1% 1%
Caribbean or Black <1% <1%
Other ethnic group 1% 1%
No Answer Given 9% 10%



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