
Immediate Priorities Fund: organisations funded

Details of organisations funded by the Immediate Priorities Fund

In the period since 18 March 2020, when the £350 million communities funding was first announced, grants totalling £11,941,923.81 have been made to 110 projects across 93 key trusted national partners:

  • £7,340,271.71 of this has been to 51 organisations for 64 projects funded under the £10 million Wellbeing Fund element of the Immediate Priorities Fund, and
  • £4,601,652.10 has been to 42 organisations for 46 projects under the £10 million Food Fund.  

In a news release on 6 April, the Scottish Government announced that over £8 million had been granted to organisations under the £350m Communities funding.

Organisations funded under the Immediate Priorities Fund up until 8 June 2020



Brief outline of project

Aberdeen Multicultural Centre


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.



Match funding of £100k for Aberlour's Urgent Investment Fund to assist with a range of needs, such as food, prepaid power cards, clothing, bedding or other essentials.

Action Against Elder Abuse Scotland (Hourglass Scotland)


To support the helpline and provide a new telephone befriending service.

Action for Children


To support over 20,000 children and young people, including disabled children, care experienced young people, and young carers, and their families, through a two-tier response: i. Welfare Response and Emergency Fund which will distribute funding support to young people and families and ii. Wellbeing Response and Safeguarding Capacity which will increase the organisation’s capacity to protect children, young people and families at greatest risk who may be more isolated than ever due to the current situation.


To extend their reach and ensure a fast response to ensure families do not reach crisis point in terms of financial, wellbeing or emotional impact due to reduced contact with frontline services.



To extend support by working with Citizens Advice Scotland to signpost clients within the locality to benefit from their delivery service.

Age Scotland


Helpline costs


Age Scotland is seeking funding for additional staff costs to respond to the increased demand on the virtual call centre due to the current Covid-19 pandemic

Al-Farooq Education and Community Centre


To provide an enhanced food bank service which will include delivering food to vulnerable people, self-isolating and the elderly with pre-existing medical conditions in Govanhill, Crosshill and Queens Park.

Article 12 in Scotland


Provision of online learning, which allows young people not currently in school to remain engaged with learning, and links to vocational online courses, and support for young people through the process.



To provide direct support to 2,100 children, young people and families with an estimated distribution of £23k per week, plus £40k across the period to support capital spend (e.g. laptops/phones/activity packs to support school work and reduce social isolation). Barnardo’s is working with Action for Children to ensure a cohesive approach is taken across Scotland.


To extend their reach and ensure a fast response to ensure families do not reach crisis point in terms of financial, wellbeing or emotional impact due to reduced contact with frontline services.

Befriending Network


Additional staff costs to support befriending organisations



Emergency grant relief to individuals and families or those supporting them directly such as foodbanks to ensure that they have access to food, toiletries and medicine.  


For the National Small Grant Sustenance Fund to provide emergency small grant programme to community organisations across Scotland to provide food relief to their members, individuals and families.

Bethany Christian Trust


To provide hotel accommodation in Edinburgh to those with no recourse to public funds and support the closure of the Night Shelter.


Additional funding for appropriate emergency hotel accommodation for those at risk of rough sleeping in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

British Deaf Association Scotland


Public health information to be translated into British Sign Language (BSL) and for there to be an easy, one-stop shop approach for BSL users to find official information

Broomhouse Centre


Provide 18,000 takeaway and ready meals (1,500 per week) and food vouchers (150 per week) to disadvantaged people in SW Edinburgh alongside regular communication with lonely people, young carers, etc and an information platform which will include a 'Food Map'.

C19 Gypsy/Traveller Action Group/CoSLA


To provide additional sanitation units to Gypsy/Travellers coping with the COVID-19 outbreak while living in caravans, with no washing facilities, or very limited/shared ones.



To support people who use foodbanks or who are unable to get out to go shopping to buy food.

Cash For Kids


To give vouchers/cards to families for essential items including food and fuel.

Centre Stage


To provide food to support families, minimising the need for anyone to leave their home.

Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland


Supporting the NHS in dealing with Covid-19 and putting in place a Volunteer Recruitment and Coordination Programme.

Child Poverty Action Group


Ensure the most up to date advice and support is disseminated to advisors to support families in need through increasing staffing levels; provision of IT equipment to facilitate the move to home provision of support; development and delivery of webinars to a group of front line advisors; subscription costs, development of benefit advice bulletins and increased advice line capacity. 

Children 1st


Financial costs of increasing current staffing hours and to recruit and quickly train an increased number of sessional staff for Parentline, their telephone helpline and digital support service.

Citizens Advice Scotland


Supporting Scotland’s citizens during the COVID 19 crisis.



By partnering with FareShare Scotland and local food and retail outlets, Community First will work together to help communities access free food throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Community Info Source


Support for around 60 people at risk of destitution and homelessness in Glasgow, who are currently in the asylum system, have been refused asylum or have recently received refugee status, but have not been able to access mainstream benefits. 

DeafBlind Scotland


The proposal covers costs: 1. to produce information in Braille, Moon, XXL print, BSL videos or audio CDs; 2. to increase access to advocacy and advice staff to help people understand what support is available to access grants and support; and 3. to increase home visits for Deafblind people who don’t have self-directed support.  The organisation may be able to produce general information in Braille for all visually impaired people.

Dudhope Multicultural Centre


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Dundee Voluntary and Volunteer Action


Referrals from the NHS Tayside Helpline will be used to provide a boost box containing 14 high calorie snacks to people who are socially isolated; are in poor health due to COVID-19; or have been discharged early from hospital.

Edinburgh Central Mosque


For the delivery of virtual sermons and to engage with the mosque's congregation during the pandemic.

Edinburgh Chinese Community School


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Edinburgh Food Project


To implement a new delivery service for the most vulnerable to ensure no-one goes without emergency food provision due to social distancing or isolation alongside the provision of a helpline to support anyone who is experiencing financial hardship.

Edinburgh Food Social


To provide meals to people who are suffering hardship and food poverty whose position has become more difficult as a result of the restrictions arising from the current crisis. 

Edinburgh Interfaith Association


(1) Scoping exercise re use of faith community buildings for storage of food and distribution and the potential to be used as emergency hospitals or homeless facilities and making the information available online
(2) Online/phone chaplaincy.

Encompass Network


To develop local service hubs for women in the sex industry, providing information and immediate crisis support.

Equality Network


To provide Zoom accounts to allow regional LGBT groups to stay in contact, many of whom have members who are socially isolated for a number of reasons.

Faifley Community Council


To deliver emergency parcels to elderly and vulnerable people and families that are self-isolating.



To purchase and distribute ambient food.


To maintain levels of food provision over a four month period.

Food Train

Up to £241,515

To respond to the increased demand for older people seeking home delivery of food.

Fuel Bank Foundation


To provide support through fuel vouchers to prepayment customers who are struggling financially as a result of the coronavirus. 

Generations Working Together


To reconnect younger and older generations in the face of COVID-19 by increasing staff hours for 3 months to connect isolated people through a variety of ideas and the delivery of free online training to increase knowledge of the benefits of intergenerational relationships.

Glasgow City Mission


Delivering groceries to its service users in need and providing a contact point and service for families.

Glasgow Disability Alliance


Additional staff costs for telephony and online support

Glasgow Night Shelter


Destitute Asylum Seekers – Emergency accommodation response for destitute asylum seekers


Additional funding for emergency hotel accommodation for Destitute Asylum Seekers.


Additional funding for appropriate emergency hotel accommodation for those at risk of rough sleeping in Edinburgh and Glasgow.



Provide food parcels to 60 families in the Moredun area of Edinburgh over a 4-week period.


Goodtrees has significantly increased the scale of their activities since March.

Govan Community Project


To support around 250 community members and their families with food parcel/shopping vouchers and provision of essential communication equipment to participate in online activities and group meetings and to communicate with services they need.

Heart Of Africa


To deliver a cooked meal each weekday to older and vulnerable people who are shielding and families who are unable to leave their homes for essentials in the Larkhall area.

Intercultural Youth Scotland


Provides for a range of activity to support young minority ethnic people, particularly around mental health support and careers support

Interfaith Glasgow


Laptops and session support (x30 hours).

Interfaith Scotland


Host and facilitate regular meeting with faith organisation and local interfaith groups and feed back challenges to SG, manage an IF resilience fund to support practical initiatives at local level (up to £500 each), provide free online support/coaching sessions

Launch Foods


Provide prepared meals to at-risk families across Glasgow, delivering 13,000 meals per week. 

Lead Scotland (Linking Education and Disability)


To build our capacity to reach at least 260 disabled people and carers through extension of befriending telephone support and delivery of online courses to increase essential digital skills, understand online accessibility and demonstrate cyber resilient behaviours.

LGBT Health and Wellbeing


Provide telephone support to more isolated members of the LGBT community, with a particular focus on older LGBT people and those experiencing digital exclusion, and expand their LGBT Helpline Scotland from 2 to 4 days per week.

LGBT Youth Scotland


To improve support for the LGBTI community in Scotland, particularly those aged 13-25, throughout Covid-19 and beyond through accelerating development of a Digital Youth Work platform, including learning hub to offer improved support, help them develop greater resilience in relation to their mental health and in time, new skills and strengths.  

Maryhill Housing


Provide emergency food parcels and other essentials to tenants to be made available in evenings and at weekends when other food bank providers are closed.

MCR Pathways


To move the mentoring programme to a digital platform to support up to 250 families who will need support around digital inclusion.



Financial Resilience Project: to research sources of financial support (e.g. charitable trusts/hardship funds); submit applications on behalf of individuals; develop accessible/up-to-date information and monitor national developments on financial support and their potential impact on/benefits to the community.


Traveller Counselling Project: a telephone service providing additional support to members of the Gypsy/Traveller community during the Covid-19 outbreak.


Health Boxes Project: to provide people in self-isolation with urgently needed public health items tailored to meet the needs of each individual recipient. 

Mel-Milaap Community Centre


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Muirhead Outreach Project


Working alongside local foodbanks, we will provide families with vouchers and supermarket gift vouchers which give them the ability to make choices and provide their family with what they need.

Networking Key Services (NKS)


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

ng Homes


Support for at-risk tenants including older people and families on low-incomes with prepared meals and food parcels.

North United Communities


Distribute food parcels, food vouchers and advice and support through its family support and mental health support teams, as well as signposting to other services

NSPCC Childline


To support immediate increased running costs associated with increased demand from children and young people in relation to the Covid-19 crisis.

Nutrition Scotland


We will work to identify those that need support and ensure they are given hot, nutritious food or ingredients, recipes and digital support that will allow them cook the meals themselves.

One Parent Families Scotland


Deliver increased provision of support.

Outside the Box


To develop practical resources that help older people get the support they need to reduce social isolation and improve mental wellbeing.

Perth Chinese Association


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Positive Action in Housing


Prioritising PAIH's existing clients who are in critical need with emergency support on issues including eviction from informal accommodation (e.g. sofa surfers); job loss; and delays in Universal Credit application system.

Rape Crisis Scotland


Deliver increased provision of support.

Refugee Survival Trust


Expansion of provision for around 360 people living in Glasgow to ensure that they have essential support, tailored to meet their needs. 



Support for vulnerable individuals and families in Glasgow, including those who are currently in the asylum system or have refugee status.

SAY Women


To provide support with food, heat, and electricity to their client group.



The proposal will help SCoJeC connect with Jewish Communities and provide food packages urgently for Passover.

Scotland’s Learning Partnership


To continue support through the National Adult Learners’ Forum through a national helpline for learners.

Scottish Autism


To extend the Scottish Autism advice line service.

Scottish Highlands and Islands and Moray Chinese Association


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Scottish Pensioner's Forum


The purchase of a laptop, printer and accessories, stationery and postage

Scottish Women’s Aid


Deliver increased provision of support

Shared Care Scotland


To top up the Time to Live short breaks fund for the distribution of extra micro-grants to young carers up to the age of 19 to support them to take a break from caring, expected the help around 300 young carers.

Sikhs in Scotland


To establish the Sikh food bank, delivery of food parcels and to provide hot meals, and a multilingual helpline.

Simon Community



Securing emergency accommodation in Glasgow and Edinburgh to support vulnerable people through the COVID 19 Crisis. Their actual funding proposal shows this is for two months


Extra accommodation in Edinburgh


To extend hotel provision for people with no recourse to public funds until the end of May in Edinburgh and Glasgow.


Additional funding for appropriate emergency hotel accommodation for those at risk of rough sleeping in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Social Bite


The provision of food and essential supplies to vulnerable groups in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen through the Covid-19 crisis.


To continue to deliver free food and essential supplies to individuals and communities throughout Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen facing barriers to accessing food.

Solas Foundation


For the national iSyllabus programme to connect with and support Muslim communities throughout the Covid-19 lockdown period, which is likely to cover Ramadan, by setting up a Ramadan Virtual Hub to provide online content for Muslim communities across Scotland from 10 April to 12 June.

Springburn Parish Church


To support the management of a food hub in Springburn helping those facing barriers in accessing food during the current pandemic.



For the distribution of 25 tablet devices with web access to families most in need of support for home-learning, alongside support from LA education staff providing 1-to-1 contact with young learners.

Stop It Now! Scotland


Emergency funding to ensure continued service delivery during Covid-19.

The Welcoming


Support for around 40 service users in Edinburgh, who would otherwise be destitute by providing cash grants to support them over three months. 

Uddingston and Bothwell Action Group


To provide foodpacks and hot meals to vulnerable people who have called the hotline our who are referred by local authorities.



Prepare and deliver hot meals to families and older people (80 – 100 per day) living in East Edinburgh over a 3-month period.

Well-Fed (Scotland) CIC


To support people experiencing difficulty in accessing food as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic through a helpline and bespoke food parcels that meet individual dietary requirements.

Wheatley Group

Up to £350,000

To expand its food service to provide food parcels to households in need, such as older people with no support network and those who are suffering severe financial hardship following job loss.

Who Cares? Scotland


Support for the Care Experienced Community.


To expand the counselling/helpline support with more specialised mental health counsellors to augment the existing valuable support via the existing national helpline.

Wing Hong Chinese Elderly Group


For the Minority Ethnic Older People’s Network to provide culturally appropriate food and support to vulnerable minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Young Scot


Young Scot will deliver Covid-19 information and social media support for young people.


To top up the Young Scot young carer package with vouchers that young carers aged 11-18 can claim during lockdown and throughout the rest of the year (Amazon, phone top ups, Netflix etc). 



Costs for digital support staff.

Issued Total




* An earlier publication showed that up to £3 million had been made available to the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) to support a coalition programme to ensure food funding reached community groups.  However, this programme has now been subsumed into the Wellbeing Fund which is administered by SCVO on behalf of the Scottish Government, therefore this funding has been removed from the published list of funding awarded.  The route for community groups to apply for funding for food provision is now through the Wellbeing Fund bid-in process


[1] Released in instalments of £400,000

[2] Released in instalments of £50,000

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