
Race equality: immediate priorities plan

Progress made on the actions taken to implement the recommendations of the Expert Reference Group for COVID-19 and Ethnicity, and continuing work on race equality across government.

9. Strategic Race Equality Work 2023 Onwards

A 6 month strategic review is underway to consider how the government will meet its commitment to a programme of systemic change in race equality and anti-racism in Scotland 2023-26. The review includes the following issues, identified in the REAP Action Plan final report:

1. Coverage of the future programme of race equality work

2. Understanding and responding to the scale and complexity of the challenge to address systemic racism and racial inequality

3. Taking an intersectional approach

4. Oversight and accountability

The review’s purpose is to scope the elements that will form the programme of systemic change; and to set out an implementation plan and timescale for establishing the programme. The scope of the review includes:

  • The future arrangements for governance and accountability; to meet the ERG systemic recommendations
  • How to ensure active and empowered participation of members of minority ethnic communities in the programme; and the contribution of lived experience
  • Race equality data and evidence, monitoring and evaluation
  • Identify what significant actions should be prioritised which will have real and direct impact on the lives of minority ethnic communities
  • Integration and coherence of action on Gypsy/Travellers
  • Wider and richer stakeholder engagement
  • Considering the use of established models for implementing future work, such as maturity models or a theory of change, and how they may be brought in.
  • A robust framework for measuring, monitoring and managing programme delivery, with outcomes explicitly linked with the REF, and the National Performance Framework
  • How to operationalise an intersectional approach in the programme
  • An appraisal of the resources required to implement the programme of systemic change, including consideration of the specific role of the Race Equality Team

The strategic review will report by the end of October 2021. This will include a proposed model for a permanent governance body, for agreement by ministers.



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