
Race equality: immediate priorities plan

Progress made on the actions taken to implement the recommendations of the Expert Reference Group for COVID-19 and Ethnicity, and continuing work on race equality across government.

4. Reporting and Monitoring

Clearly defined conditions for success will be agreed at the outset, and progress monitored at quarterly intervals.

We established the Immediate Priorities Delivery Group, which first met on 22 July, to agree and implement these priorities. The group is made up of lead policy officials from across government, with each priority being owned by one of the officials present. Following this initial meeting, policy leads have included other key objectives, in addition to those involved in the continuing implementation of the ERG recommendations.

The plan will run up to 2023, broken into quarterly periods. The Delivery Group will meet once each quarter. The aim of reporting in this way is to maintain the network of contacts across government for implementing our priorities, and to identify barriers and share learning. A final report will be produced in 2023.

The delivery group’s reporting will include an appraisal of key risks and report on the developing risks from the previous quarter. Barriers to development will be highlighted at delivery group meetings for the purposes of sharing learning and facilitating development and understanding across different areas of government. Over the course of the IPP, an addition aim is to build implementation experience and learning to facilitate the wider programme of systemic change.



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