
Race equality: immediate priorities plan

Progress made on the actions taken to implement the recommendations of the Expert Reference Group for COVID-19 and Ethnicity, and continuing work on race equality across government.

8. Reporting on ERG Recommendations

Following our initial response to the recommendations of the ERG in November 2020, and a subsequent ERG meeting in which this response was discussed, officials prepared a timeline for delivery of these recommendations in December 2020, which was shared with the ERG co-chairs in late December and with the wider ERG in early January 2021.

This timeline for delivery covered action that had already been taken on recommendations by December 2020, as well as the plan for implementation at two distinct time depths:

  • Short- to medium-term – action planned for January to May 2021
  • Medium- to long-term – action planned for implementation following May 2021

Following further updates from policy leads, progress since December 2020 is noted in Annex A.



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