Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on communities and priorities for recovery - research

Evidence from consultation based research about changes to organisations’ work during the pandemic and the impact of the pandemic on a range of themes including economic security, social interactions and loneliness, community cohesion, safety, trust in government, and skills, learning and development.

Annex A: questions asked in stakeholder engagement survey

1. Please tell us about your organisation's aim(s), geographical focus, client groups and community activities since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic (i.e. from mid-March? [free text response]

2. What information do you collect, hold or use to assess and monitor the general wellbeing of the people and communities you work with? [free text response]

2a. How is this information aggregated? Does it include breakdowns by location, age, gender, and any other characteristics? [free text response]

3. Thinking about the people and communities you work with, which of the following, if any, has the coronavirus pandemic (including the restrictions and support arrangements put in place) impacted negatively? Please select all that apply.

  • Finances (including income, outgoings, financial security)
  • Personal safety and security
  • Social relationships and connections
  • Physical and mental health
  • Neighbourhood support
  • Access to services
  • Confidence in government
  • Public services
  • Ability to cope generally
  • Other (please detail below)

If other, please provide details. [free text response]

If you have specific examples or comments regarding negative impacts, please share them here. [free text response]

3a. Thinking about the people and communities you work with, which of the following, if any, has the coronavirus pandemic (including the restrictions and support arrangements put in place) impacted positively? Please select all that apply.

  • Finances (including income, outgoings, financial security)
  • Personal safety and security
  • Social relationships and connections
  • Physical and mental health
  • Neighbourhood support
  • Access to services
  • Confidence in government
  • Public services
  • Ability to cope generally
  • Other (please detail below)

If other, please provide details. [free text response]

If you have specific examples or comments regarding positive impacts, please share them here. [free text response]

4. Have you developed any new ways of working (including new links with other organisations) to enable you to understand, and respond to, the issues facing the people and communities you work with? If so, please provide brief details. [free text response]

5. Has your organisation started working with any new people or communities since the start of the coronavirus pandemic?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what has brought about this new engagement? [free text response]

If yes, do you see this work continuing long term, or is this a temporary shift for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic? [free text response]

6. What does your organisation understand as the short, medium and long term priorities of the people and communities you work with in responding to, and recovering from, the coronavirus pandemic? [free text response]

Of these, what seem like the most fundamental issues for the long term? [free text response]

7. Are there any new opportunities that this situation has created that you see as valuable for the recovery period and your longer term practice (e.g. new relationships/partnerships, communication flows, technology, etc.)? [free text response]

8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us, including any comments on the content/structure of the questions? [free text response]



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