Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on wellbeing: wave 3 - survey summary

Findings from the final wave of a telephone survey we commissioned to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.

Annex B: Questionnaire

Work and COVID

Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, has either your working situation or working hours changed in any way?

1 Yes

2 No

Don't know


How has your working situation or working hours changed?

1 Lost your job or made redundant

2 Started a new job/returned to work

3 I have been on furlough but am now back at work

4 I am currently on furlough

5 Increase in hours worked

6 Decrease in hours worked

7 Taken a pay cut but working same hours

7 Taken unpaid leave

8 Working from home more

9 Temporary closure of own business

10 Permanent closure of own business

11 Voluntarily left work, retired, or gone on maternity leave

12 Taken on additional job

13 Changes to pattern of working hours

14 Nature of work changed (e.g. way work, requirement for PPE, stressfulness of work, etc.)

15 Other (please specify)

16 DK

17 Refused


In the last month, have you or your household received any of the following kinds of help, from any source?

1. Being given food that you didn't have to pay for

2. Having food shopping done for you

3. Other people collecting prescriptions or other health-related items for you

4. Financial help with fuel and other essential bills

5. People getting in touch to check that you are okay

6. Support with any existing health conditions you or someone you live with have that are unrelated to COVID-19

7. Other help – Please say what

8. None of these (exclusive code)

9. (Don't know)

10. (Refused)

Is there any other help with anything, that you feel you currently need but you are not receiving?

1. Financial help to pay for essentials.

2. Financial advice/advice on benefits

3. Help to find a job

4. Help with childcare

5. Help to care for a sick, disabled, or elderly relative

6. Help to get shopping or medicines for yourself/household

7. Help with my mental health

8. Help with my children's mental health

9. Help with a health condition unrelated to COVID-19

10. Other – please say what

11. No


Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "not at all happy" and 10 is "completely happy"?

How much of the time during the last week have you felt lonely? Would you say you felt lonely none, or almost none of the time; some of the time; most of the time; or all, or almost all of the time?

1. None or almost none of the time

2. Some of the time

3. Most of the time

4. All or almost all of the time

5. (Don't know)

6. (Refused)

Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "not at all anxious" and 10 is "completely anxious"?

In the last month, how often, if at all, have you met up in person with friends, relatives, neighbours or work colleagues, for exercise or any other reason?

1. Every day or most days

2. A few times a week

3. Once a week

4. Less often than once a week

5. Never

6. (Don't know)

7. (Refused)

And in the last month, how often, if at all, have you had phone or videocalls with friends, relatives, neighbours or work colleagues? Would you say …

1. Every day or most days

2. A few times a week

3. Once a week

4. Less often than once a week

5. Never

6. (Don't know)

7. (Refused)

Which, if any, of the following things, are major worries for you at the moment?

1. Becoming seriously ill yourself with COVID-19

2. Friends or family becoming seriously ill with COVID-19

3. Your financial situation/ Losing your job

4. Your own mental health

5. A friend or family member's mental health

6. None of these

Are you seriously worried about anything else in relation to the coronavirus crisis?

1. The economic impact

2. Children's learning and education

3. Lack of contact with friends and family

4. The demands of caring for my children

5. The demands of caring for a sick, disabled or elderly relative

6. Other – please say what

7. Nothing else – exclusive code

Which, if any, of the following statements apply to you? Please just say yes or no for whether each of them apply.

1. I feel cut off from my friends and family at the moment

2. I am enjoying spending more time with my family

3. I am finding the current restrictions on socialising difficult to cope with

4. I have been sleeping badly

5. I am able to find ways of connecting with nature

6. There is not enough space in my home

7. I have been having more arguments with the people I live with

8. I have less of a sense of purpose at the moment

9. None of these

Compared to how often you did them before the Coronavirus outbreak started in March, are you doing the following things more, less, or the same amount these days - or did you not do them anyway?

a. Phone calls, video calls, or messaging with family and friends

b. Shopping online

c. Reading/listening to the news or looking at news on the internet

d. Drinking alcohol

e. Smoking

f. Gambling (including online)

g. Volunteering informally or formally

h. Learning a new skill

i. Exercising

j. Shopping online

1. More

2. Less

3. Same amount

4. Did not do them anyway

Income Changes Since COVID

Compared to the start of March, is your total household income now higher, lower or about the same as usual?

1. A lot higher than usual

2. A little higher than usual

3. About the same as usual

4. A little lower than usual

5. A lot lower than usual

6. (Don't know)

7. (Refused)

What, if any, actions have you or your household taken to help you manage with a lower income?

1. Stopped mortgage / rent payments (taken a mortgage or rent 'holiday')

2. Reduced your mortgage / rent payments (paid less each month)

3. Spent less on non-essential / luxury items or activities / going out

4. Cut back on essential items such as food

5. Used savings

6. Taken out a loan / borrowed money (including from friends and family)

7. Applied for Council Tax reduction / exemption or other benefits

8. Applied for universal credit

9. Applied for a crisis grant through the Scottish Welfare Fund

10. Got food from a food bank

11. Generally being more careful / budgeting more / cutting back on spending

12. Something else

13. Nothing

14 (Don't know)

15. (Refused)

How well would you say you are managing financially these days? Would you say you are managing...

1. Very well

2. Quite well

3. Getting by alright

4. Not managing very well

5. Having some financial difficulties

6. In deep financial trouble

7. (Don't know)

8. (Refused)

Thinking about the current situation with Coronavirus, how long do you think it will take before things feel like they are getting back to normal in Scotland?

1. Things feel normal to me now

2. Within 1 -2 months

3. Within 3-5 months

4. 6 months to a year

5. Between 1 and 2 years

6. 2 years or longer

7. Never / we won't get back to normal

8. Don't know 9. Prefer not to say

How confident would you say you would feel about accessing public services online, if you needed to – for example, booking a doctor's appointment or accessing government advice about taxes or benefits? Would you feel …

1. Very confident

2. Fairly confident

3. Not very confident

4. Not at all confident

5. (Don't know)

6. (Refused)

Further Demographics

Do you, or another member of your household, rent or own your home ?

1. Own outright / own with mortgage

2. Rent from a private landlord

3. Rent from a local authority/housing association

4. Live there rent free

5. Other – write in

6. (Don't know)

7. (Refused)

How many other people (including children) do you live with?

1. Numeric (range 0-20)

2. (Don't know)

3. (Refused)

How old is the <first / next> other person you live with?

1. (Don't know)

2. (Refused)

Do you have a physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

1. Yes

2. No

3. (Don't know)

4. (Refused)

Does your condition or illness reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?

1. A lot

2. A little

3. Not at all

4. (Don't know)

5. (Refused)

Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak in March, have you been able to access the services and support you need to help manage your condition(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

3. (Don't know)

4. (Refused)

Have you, or anyone in your household, received a letter from Scotland's Chief Medical Officer advising you to shield because of a health condition that means that you or someone else you live with is especially vulnerable to the coronavirus?

1. Yes – respondent

2. Yes – someone else in household

3. No

4. (Don't know)

5. (Refused)

What is your ethnic group?

1. White - Scottish

2. White - other British

3. White - Irish

4. White - other

5. Mixed or multiple ethnic group

6. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

7. African

8. Caribbean or Black

9. Other ethnic group

10. (Don't know)

11. (Refused)

What is your household's total weekly income from all sources BEFORE any deductions for tax? Please include income from benefits, pensions, interest, etc.

1. Less than £100

2. £100 to £199

3. £200 to £299

4. £300 to £399

5. £400 to £499

6. £500 to £699

7. £700 to £999

8. £1,000 to £1,499

9. £1,500 or more

10. (Don't know)

11. (Refused)

What is your household's total monthly income from all sources before any deductions for tax? Please include income from benefits, pensions, interest, etc.

1. Less than £433

2. £433 to £899

3. £900 to £1,299

4. £1,300 to £1,699

5. £1,700 to £2,199

6. £2,200 to £2,999

7. £3,000 to £4,349

8. £4,350 to £6,499

9. £6,500 or more

10. (Don't know)

11. (Refused)

What is your household's total yearly income from all sources before any deductions for tax? Please include income from benefits, pensions, interest, etc.

1. Less than £5,200

2. £5,200 to £10,399

3. £10,400 to £15,599

4. £15,600 to £20,799

5. £20,800 to £25,999

6. £26,000 to £36,399

7. £36,400 to £51,999

8. £52,000 to £77,999

9. £78,000 or more

10. (Don't know)

11. (Refused)

Please could I take the postcode of the address where you are currently live.



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