
Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on wellbeing: wave 3 - survey summary

Findings from the final wave of a telephone survey we commissioned to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.


1. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research - (

2. Coronavirus (COVID-19) - impact on wellbeing: survey summary - (

3. Scottish Government COVID-19 in Scotland Four Harms Dashboard

4. Statistical breakdowns are presented in this report where sample sizes allow. These cover the main population subgroups that show variation in results.

5. Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Daily Dashboard

6. Scottish Government Coronavirus (COVID-19): local protection levels

7. Differences in deprivation are covered in the previous two reports (September 2020 and March 2021).

8. The pre-pandemic figure for loneliness was taken from The Scottish Household Survey 2018.

9. Question was 'Which, if any, of the following things, are major worries for you at the moment?' Respondents could then select 'Friends/family becoming seriously ill with Covid'. As this question was directly related to Covid there was no pre-pandemic estimate for this measure.

10. Office for National Statistics – Annual personal well-being estimates. Questions were: 'Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?' and 'Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?'

11. This group had been offered the vaccine which may have contributed to the decrease in anxiety.

12. Predicting wellbeing | Understanding Society



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