Coronavirus (COVID-19) - impact on wellbeing: survey summary

This summary contains key findings from wave two of a telephone survey we commissioned to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland including on work and finances, neighbourhood support, personal wellbeing, and behaviour changes.

Experiences of COVID

5% reported having had Coronavirus themselves since March 2020.

30% of all respondents had self-isolated since March, most often because they or someone in their household had symptoms.

Loneliness was the most commonly reported issue by those who had self-isolated, followed by difficulties getting food or medicine, and loss of income from work.

Figure 12. The proportion who reported facing each issue when self-isolating, by area:
Bar chart showing loneliness and loss of income higher in SIMD1 than SIMD5 (42 v 13%, and 31 v 6%)

Please note that differences between groups are not statistically significant



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