
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research

This report contains the findings from a telephone survey commissioned by Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.

Annex B: Questionnaire

[ask all]


Please could you tell me your age at your last birthday?

1. Write in number.
2. (Don't know)
3. (Refused)

[ask all]


Which of the following describes how you think of yourself?

1. Male
2. Female
3. Or in another way?

[ask all]


At the start of March this year, before the Coronavirus lockdown, which of the following best describes what you were doing? Were you…

1. Employed full time, 30 hours or more a week
2. Employed part time, 8 - 29 hours a week
3. Self-employed
4. Unemployed and seeking work
5. Unemployed and not seeking work
6. Studying at school, college or university
7. Looking after the home
8. Retired
9. Not working due to long-term illness or disability
10. Other - write in
11. (Don't know)
12. (Refused)

ask all


And again, thinking back to the start of March this year, before the Coronavirus lockdown, which of the following best describes how you and your household were managing financially?

(1) Manage very well
(2) Manage quite well
(3) Get by alright
(4) Don't manage very well
(5) Have some financial difficulties
(6) Are in deep financial trouble

Ask if code 1-3 at work_cv


Are you a key worker - that is, are you in a job which the government has said is vital to public health and safety during the coronavirus lockdown?

1. Yes
2. No
3. (Don't know)
4. (Refused)

[ask if work_cv = 1, 2, or 3 - i.e. employed/self-employed at start of March]


Since the start of the coronavirus crisis in March, have you experienced any of the following changes to your work?


1. Lost your job or been made redundant
2. Chose to leave your job, retired, or gone on maternity leave
3. Taken paid leave
4. Taken unpaid leave
5. Been furloughed (if ness: been put on the Government's Job Retention scheme)
6. Taken a pay cut but working the same hours
7. Changed to working at home
8. Working more hours than usual
9. Working fewer hours that usual
10. Working a different pattern of hours
11. Having to make adjustments to combine work with looking after children
12. Working in a new job
13. None of the above [exclusive code]
14. (Don't know)
15. (Refused)

[ask if code 1 at wrkchng]


Have you looked for another job since then?

1. Yes, looked for and got another job
2. Yes, looked for but not found another job yet
3. No, not looked for another job yet
4. (Don't know)
5. (Refused)

[if work_cv = 1 to 3]


Have you had to make any changes since the start of the Coronavirus crisis to help you manage any child care or other caring responsibilities you may have?


1. Stopped working altogether
2. Reduced working hours but with same pay
3. Reduced working hours and pay
4. Changed working pattern (i.e. work different hours)
5. Asked other people (partner/friends/family) for more help with providing childcare / unpaid care
6. Reduced hours of childcare/unpaid care provided
7. Organised professional carers to help look after someone in your family
8. Other - please say what
9. Not applicable - do not have childcare / unpaid care responsibilities
10. (Don't know)
11. (Refused)

[ask all]


Are you currently staying in the same house or flat you were living in before the Coronavirus lock down?

If no, Where are you staying just now?

1. Yes, staying in usual home
2. No - staying in second home
3. No - staying with friends/family temporarily
4. No - returned to family home from university
5. No - staying with partner/partners family
6. No - other (specify)
7. (Don't know)
8. (Refused)

[ask all]


Do you, or another member of your household, rent or own < your home / the property you are currently staying in>?

1. Own outright / own with mortgage
2. Rent from a private landlord
3. Rent from a local authority/housing association
4. Live there rent free
5. Other - write in
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


How many other people (including children) are you living with at the moment?

(if live alone, enter '0')

1. Numeric (range 0-20)
2. (Don't know)
3. (Refused)

[ask if numhh >1]

[Loop - repeat for each additional person in hh]


How old is the <first / next> other person you live with?

1. (Don't know)
2. (Refused)

[ask if numhh >1]

[Loop - repeat for each additional person in hh]


And what is their relationship to you?

1. Husband/wife/partner
2. Child (including step-children)
3. Parent
4. Other family member
5. House or flat mate or lodger
6. Other - write in
7. (Don't know)
8. (Refused)

[ask all]


As a result of the Coronavirus crisis, are there more people staying in the property you are living in just now, fewer people, or has there been no change?

1. More people living here
2. Fewer people living here
3. No change
4. (Don't know)
5. (Refused)

[ask all]


At the moment, do you have access to any of the following within a 10-15 minute walk?


1. A private garden (if ness: that's only for your household)
2. A shared garden
3. A balcony, terrace or rooftop
4. Another open space, like a park, beach, wood, canal or river path?
5. None of these [exclusive code]
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)


The next few questions are about how you personally have been affected by Coronavirus. We know this may be a difficult subject, so just to remind you, you are free to skip questions or take a break at any time.

[ask all]


As far as you are aware, have you or anyone you live with had COVID-19 or Coronavirus? Multicode

1. Respondent had Coronavirus - diagnosed by medical professional/test
2. Respondent had suspected Coronavirus, but not confirmed by medical professional
3. Someone else in household had Coronavirus - diagnosed by medical professional/test
4. Someone else in household had suspected Coronavirus, but not confirmed by medical professional
5. No
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


Are you experiencing difficulties with any of the following things at the moment?


1. Paying energy bills
2. Paying rent or mortgage
3. Paying other bills
4. Collecting pensions or benefits
5. Being evicted or at risk of eviction
6. Getting the food or medicine you need
7. None of these (exclusive code)
8. (Don't know)
9. (Refused)

[ask if code 6 at findiff]


What are the main reasons you have had difficulties getting the food and medicine you need? Is this because …


1. You couldn't get to the shops
2. You couldn't get a delivery slot
3. The things you needed were not available
4. Or because you couldn't afford the cost of the food or medicine you needed?
5. (Don't know)
6. (Refused)

[ask all]


Compared to the start of March, is your total household income now higher, lower or about the same as usual?

1. A lot higher than usual
2. A little higher than usual
3. About the same as usual
4. A little lower than usual
5. A lot lower than usual
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ssk if incchg = 4 or 5]


What, if any, actions have you or your household taken to help you manage with a lower income?

1. Stopped mortgage / rent payments (taken a mortgage or rent 'holiday')
2. Reduced your mortgage / rent payments (paid less each month)
3. Spent less on non-essential / luxury items or activities / going out
4. Cut back on essential items such as food
5. Used savings
6. Taken out a loan / borrowed money (including from friends and family)
7. Applied for Council Tax reduction / exemption or other benefits
8. Applied for universal credit
9. Applied for a crisis grant through the Scottish Welfare Fund
10. Got food from a food bank
11. Something else (please say what)
12. Nothing (exclusive code)
13. (Don't know)
14. (Refused)

[ask all]


Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "not at all happy" and 10 is "completely happy"?

Numeric (Range 0-10)

(Don't know)

[ask all]


Compared with how you felt on a typical day before the start of March, would you say you felt more or less happy yesterday, or did you feel about the same?

1. A lot more happy
2. A little more happy
3. About the same
4. A little less happy
5. A lot less happy
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "not at all anxious" and 10 is "completely anxious"?

Numeric (Range 0-10)

(Don't know)

[ask all]


And compared with how you felt on a typical day before the start of March, would you say you felt more or less anxious yesterday, or did you feel about the same?

1. A lot more anxious
2. A little more anxious
3. About the same
4. A little less anxious
5. A lot less anxious
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


How much of the time during the last week have you felt lonely? Would you say you felt lonely none, or almost none of the time; some of the time; most of the time; or all, or almost all of the time?

1. None or almost none of the time
2. Some of the time
3. Most of the time
4. All or almost all of the time
5. (Don't know)
6. (Refused)

[ask all]


Which of the following things, are major worries for you at the moment?


1. Becoming seriously ill yourself with COVID-19
2. Friends or family becoming seriously ill with COVID-19
3. Your financial situation/ Losing your job
4. Your own mental health
5. A friend or family member's mental health
6. None of these - exclusive code

[ask all]


Are you seriously worried about anything else in relation to the coronavirus crisis?

1. The economic impact
2. Children's learning and education
3. Lack of contact with friends and family
4. Other - please say what
5. Nothing else - exclusive code

[ask all]


Which of the following statements apply to you?


1. I feel cut off from my friends and family at the moment
2. I am enjoying spending more time with my family
3. I am finding the current restrictions on socialising difficult to cope with
4. I have been sleeping badly
5. I am able to find ways of connecting with nature
6. There is not enough space in my home
7. I have been having more arguments with the people I live with
8. I have less of a sense of purpose at the moment
9. None of these - exclusive code

[ask if cveff1, code 7 is yes]

And who is it you are having more arguments with?


1. Husband/wife/partner
2. Child (including step-children)
3. Parent
4. Other family member
5. House or flat mate or lodger
6. Other - write in
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


Compared to the start of March, are you doing the following things more, less, or the same amount - or did you not do them anyway?

1. Phone calls, video calls, or messaging with family and friends
2. Visiting parks/woodlands/beaches
3. Gardening
4. Reading
5. Watching television/films
6. Video games
7. Reading/listening to the news or looking at news on the internet
8. Looking at other things on the internet
9. Eating
10. Drinking alcohol
11. Smoking
12. Gambling (including online)
13. Volunteering
14. Learning a new skill
15. Exercising outside
16. Exercising inside

[ask all]


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

If I was alone and needed help, I could rely on someone in this neighbourhood to help me

1. Agree strongly
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree not disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Disagree strongly
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


This is a neighbourhood where most people can be trusted

1. Agree strongly
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree not disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Disagree strongly
6. (Don't know)
7. (Refused)

[ask all]


In the last month, have you or your household received any of the following kinds of help, from any source?


1. Being given food that you didn't have to pay for
2. Having food shopping done for you
3. Other people collecting prescriptions or other health-related items for you
4. Financial help with fuel and other essential bills
5. People getting in touch to check that you are okay
6. Support with existing / ongoing health conditions unrelated to COVID-19
7. Other help - please say what
8. None of these (exclusive code)
9. (Don't know)
10. (Refused)

[ask all]


Who has provided you or your household with this help?


1. Family
2. Friends
3. My regular care / support worker
4. Medical professional - GP, nurse, hospital doctor
5. Support group set up in response to the coronavirus crisis'
6. Local Council
7. Work colleagues
8. Charity (e.g. British Red Cross, Samaritans)
9. (Don't know)
10. (Refused)

[ask all]


Is there help with anything, that you feel you currently need but you are not receiving?


1. Financial help to pay for essentials.
2. Financial advice/advice on benefits
3. Help to find a job
4. Help with childcare
5. Help to care for someone else
6. Help to get shopping or medicines for yourself/household
7. Help with my mental health
8. Help with a health condition unrelated to COVID-19
9. Other - please say what
10. No - exclusive code

[ask all]


Do you personally have any long-standing physical or mental impairment, illness, or disability, expected to last 12 months or more?

1. Yes
2. No
3. (Don't know)
4. (Refused)

[ask if code 1 at disab]


Does your condition limit your day-to-day activities in any way?

1. Yes, a lot
2. Yes, a little
3. Not at all
4. (Don't know)
5. (Refused)

[ask all]


Do you, or anyone in your household, have any health condition that affects your immune system or means that you are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus?


1. Yes - respondent
2. Yes - someone else in household
3. No (exclusive code)
4. (Don't know)
5. (Refused)

[ask all]


This is a sensitive question, so please feel free to skip if you would prefer, but have you lost any friends or family members to Coronavirus?

1. Yes
2. No
3. (Don't know)
4. (Refused)

[ask all]


What is your ethnic group?

1. White - Scottish
2. White - other British
3. White - Irish
4. White - other
5. Mixed or multiple ethnic group
6. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
7. African
8. Caribbean or Black
9. Other ethnic group
10. (Don't know)
11. (Refused)



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