
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research

This report contains the findings from a telephone survey commissioned by Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.


Ipsos MORI carried out a telephone survey with 1000 respondents. The questionnaire was 15 minutes in length and included only closed questions. The full questionnaire is included at Annex B. The questionnaire was designed by Scottish Government analysts and Ipsos MORI.

The survey fieldwork was conducted over a seven-day period, between Monday 27th April and Sunday 3rd May. Minimum quotas were set, and met, on age and disability. The sample source was random digit dialling, as well as supplementary mobile number databases.

Weighting was applied to make the results representative of the following:

  • Age by gender
  • Working status by age
  • Scottish Parliamentary region
  • Tenure

This report includes differences observed across various subgroups. Subgroups were chosen based on prior knowledge about wellbeing issues, potential vulnerability to COVID and sample sizes. Differences have only been reported if significant at the 95% level, however not all significant differences have been reported.

The subgroups included are below, with unweighted base sizes provided in Annex A:

  • Gender (male and female)
  • Age group (16-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-69 and 70+)
  • Household type (Children and no children in household)
  • Area deprivation
  • Disability
  • Area type (rural and urban)

Area deprivation is based on SIMD quintile classifications. Throughout the report the highest SIMD quintile (5) is referred to as the least deprived areas and the lowest SIMD quintile (1) is the most deprived areas.

Disability is based on responses to two questions; whether the respondent has a long term physical or mental health condition and whether this condition limits their day to day activities.

Household composition was also analysed, but presented very similar results to the age subgroups. Financial situation was also analysed but very few differences were found. Finally tenure was analysed, but due a low base for the private rented sector, there were very few significant differences.


Representativeness was achieved through quota sampling. This means that strictly speaking, statistical significance should not be applied, however it has been used in the analysis of this survey data as an indication of differences that are likely to be of importance.



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