
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research

This report contains the findings from a telephone survey commissioned by Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.

Chapter 5: Further characteristics

COVID housing, employment and health experiences

As shown in Table 5, the vast majority of respondents had experienced no change to their living situation, with 97% staying in their usual home and 91% living with the same number of people in their household.

Four in ten (39%) respondents reported that they were key workers.[9]

Table 5: Housing and employment
Question Response % of respondents
Are you currently staying in the same house or flat you were living in before the Coronavirus lock down? Yes, staying in usual home 97%
No - staying in second home 0.3%
No - staying with friends/family temporarily 1%
No - returned to family home from university 1%
No - staying with partner/partners family 0.05%
No - other (specify) 1%
Base: all (1000)
Are there more people staying in the property you are living in just now, fewer people, or no change? Fewer people living here 3%
No change 91%
More people living here 6%
Base: all (1000)
Are you a key worker? Yes 39%
No 59%
Don't know 1%
Base: all in employment (572)

As shown in Table 6, at the time of fieldwork, the vast majority (91%) of respondents reported that neither they nor anyone in their household had suspected or diagnosed Coronavirus. Similarly, the vast majority (90%) of respondents also had not lost any friends or family to Coronavirus. Finally, the majority (64%) were not in a household where someone was vulnerable to Coronavirus.

Table 6: Coronavirus experience
Question Response % of respondents
Have you or anyone you live with had COVID-19 or Coronavirus? Coronavirus diagnosed by medical professional/ test 0.4%
Suspected Coronavirus, but not confirmed by medical professional 5%
Someone else in household had Coronavirus - diagnosed 1%
Someone else in household had suspected Coronavirus - not confirmed by medical professional 2.5%
No 91%
Don't know 2%
Base: all (1000)
Have you lost any friends or family members to Coronavirus? Yes 9%
No 90%
Don't know 1%
Base: all (1000)
Do you/your household, have health conditions that means that you are vulnerable to the coronavirus? Yes 19%
Someone in household 20%
No 64%
Don't know 1%
Base: all (1000)



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