
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research

This report contains the findings from a telephone survey commissioned by Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in Scotland.

Annex A: Technical information

The survey responses were weighted to be representative of gender, working status, age, Scottish parliamentary region and tenure. The unweighted and weighted sample profiles are compared below.

Table 7: Sample profile
Characteristic Category Unweighted Weighted
Gender Male 44% 48%
Female 56% 52%
Working status Working full time 40% 37%
Working part time 11% 10%
Self employed 7% 7%
Not working 17% 22%
Retired 26% 24%
Age Age 16-24 13% 13%
Age 25-34 15% 17%
Age 35-54 33% 33%
Age 55-69 26% 25%
Age 70+ 14% 13%
Region Lothian 15% 14%
NE Scotland 14% 14%
Glasgow 12% 13%
West Scotland 13% 13%
South Scotland 12% 13%
Central Scotland 13% 12%
Mid Scotland and Fife 12% 12%
Highlands and Islands 9% 8%
Tenure Owner occupier 74% 64%
Private rent 8% 14%
Local authority/house association/other social rent 16% 20%

The unweighted base sizes of the subgroups reported on in this study are shown below.

Table 8: Unweighted subgroup base sizes
Category Unweighted base
Male 437
Female 560
SIMD quintile 1 153
SIMD quintile 2 186
SIMD quintile 3 184
SIMD quintile 4 179
SIMD quintile 5 256
Age 16-24 127
Age 25-34 150
Age 35-54 325
Age 55-69 255
Age 70+ 143
Rural 791
Urban 167
Long term physical or mental health condition 194
No long term physical or mental health condition 797
Households with children 262
Households without children 702



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