
Impact Evaluation of the Community Right to Buy

An evaluation of the impact of Community Right To Buy legislation on local communities in the period from 2004 to 2014


1. For this case, following a successful late application to register an interest in land, it was discovered that the land had been sold.

2. For one case, the landlord withdrew the land from the market. The other case was active as of November 2014.

3. Table reproduced from Skerratt, S. (2011) Community land ownership and community resilience, SRUC Research Report, June 2011.

4. Notably these criticisms have been addressed in the revisions to the legislation proposed within the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill part 4 (See Section 1.2 Paragraph 12)

5. Emphasis on economic development is linked to the scale of the asset and is more prevalent in cases where assets have been acquired. Case study selection (as a diverse set of CRtB examples) has influenced the prevalence of this driver/input across the group as a whole, as the selection intentionally included smaller scale case studies and many cases where the asset had not been acquired.


Email: Graeme Beale

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