
The impact of international students in Scotland: Scottish Government response

This publication analyses the economic, social and cultural contribution of international students to Scotland.


1. Numbers rounded to nearest 5.

2. Numbers rounded to nearest 5.

3. OECD Education at a Glance 2016, Indicator C4.1 Whilst the publication only provides data for the UK as a whole, it is possible to provide an estimate of Scotland's international performance by combining HESA data for Scotland on the percentage of international students studying at Scottish HEIs (at both undergraduate and postgraduate level) in 2014/15 with OECD data for the other countries. It should be noted that these two data sets are not directly equivalent, however when comparing the figure for the UK across the two data sets there is only a difference of 0.5 percentage points suggesting that the two sources are broadly comparable.

4. Numbers rounded to nearest 5.



7. Scottish Funding Council Infact database,

8. The average fee is based on 2014/15 tuition fee levels, and is based on the standard four-year degree in Scotland.

9. Audit of higher education in Scottish universities, Audit Scotland, July 2016,

10. At undergraduate level, tuition fee income from 'home and EU domiciled students' will comprise only rest of UK students as Scottish and EU students are not charged fees. However, at postgraduate level, it will comprise students from Scotland, the rest of the UK and EU students.

11. HESA student and qualifier statistics 2015/16, HESA HE Finance Plus 2015/16

12. These comparisons do not take account of the different compositions of courses which non- EU students may attend across the countries of the UK. For example, if a higher proportion of students enrol in medical courses in Scotland, which generally charge higher fees, we would expect to see a higher overall average fee in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK. The data is not clear whether the higher average fees in Scotland reflect a perception among non- EU students that there is a premium to be gained from studying at Scottish HEIs relative to other UK HEIs, or whether it is down to differing compositions of course enrolments.

13. Audit of higher education in Scottish universities, Audit Scotland, July 2016,


15. For more detail, see the table in the attached annex showing enrolments at HEIs by provider, domicile and subject.

16. Universities Scotland (2017) Ten things to know about Scottish Higher Education:

17. It should be noted that the SIES survey covers only English and Welsh domiciled students. However London Economics believe the level and pattern of expenditure of international students in Scotland is unlikely to be significantly different to that of English/Welsh students. Therefore, they assume that the average non-tuition fee expenditure of an international student is the same as English domiciled students

18. Calculated using autumn budget 2017 deflators, rounded to the nearest thousand.

19. Estimating the Value to the UK of Education Exports, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, June 2011,

20. The Economic Impact of UK Universities 2014-15, Oxford Economics, October 2017,

21. Calculated using autumn budget 2017 deflators, rounded to the nearest thousand.

22. The costs and benefits of international students by parliamentary constituency, London Economics, January 2018,

23. Global Skills Gap: Preparing young people for the new global economy, Think Global, 2011,

24. What do home students think of studying with international students? YouthSight survey conducted for the Higher Education Policy Institute and the Higher Education Academy, July 2015,

25. Richer for it, Universities Scotland, September 2013,

26. Evidencing the social and cultural benefits and costs of migration in Scotland, Professor Rebecca Kay ( CRCEES & GRAMMNet) and Andrew Morrison ( CSMP), 2013

27. HESA Student Data ( SG Analysis). Numbers rounded to nearest 5. Totals and percentages based on unrounded numbers.

28. International Framework, Scottish Government, December 2017, /publications/scotlands-international-framework-9781788514033/

29. Migration Observatory Briefing, October 2017,

30. The costs and benefits of international students by parliamentary constituency, London Economics, January 2018,

31. Trust Pays: How international cultural relationships build trust in the UK and underpin the success of the UK economy, British Council, 2012,

32. The Wider Benefits of International Higher Education to the UK, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2013,

33. Global Scotland – Scotland's Trade & Investment Strategy, Scottish Government, March 2016,

34. Further analysis of Scotland's demographic challenge and the Scottish Government's position can be found in Scotland's Population Needs and Migration Policy: A Discussion Paper on the Evidence, Policy and Powers for the Scottish Parliament, February 2018.

35. See for example the description in the Hindustan Times in September 2017 of the UK Government as "the most student hostile government in the world".

36. Numbers rounded to nearest 5.

37. International student migration research update, Office for National Statistics, August 2017

38. Grow, Export, Attract, Support: Universities' contribution to Scotland's Economic Growth, Universities Scotland, September 2013.

39. Comparable data for non- EU qualifiers is not available.

40. HESA, Destination of Leavers from Higher Education 2015-16. Omits non-responses. Percentages based on unrounded numbers.

41. Scotland's Population Needs and Migration Policy: A Discussion Paper on the Evidence, Policy and Powers for the Scottish Parliament, February 2018.

42. In 2008 Fresh Talent was mainstreamed into the newly-implemented UK points-based immigration system.



45. Demography of Scotland and the Implications for Devolution, House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee, Second Report of Session 2016-17, November 2016,


Email: * Ed Thomson

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