UK welfare policy: impact on families with children

Report focusing on the financial impacts of UK welfare policy on families with children.

Technical Annex A – Assumptions in the TABOSH model and CPI assumptions

Table A1 – Assumptions for main parameters in TABOSH model

Main Parameters Counterfactual Scenario
Minimum Wage/National Living Wage (per hour) £7.75 £8.75
Personal Allowance in 2020/21 (annual) £11,000 £12,500
Weekly Benefit Cap (Single, no children) £350 £258
Weekly Benefit Cap (Couples, with children) £500 £385
UC Taper rate 65% 63%
Work Allowance for Universal Credit (per month)
With Housing Costs Single person, no children £111 £0
Couple, no children £111 £0
Couple, with children £222 £192
Lone parent £263 £192
Without Housing Costs Single person, no children £111 £0
Couple, no children £111 £0
Couple, with children £536 £397
Lone parent £734 £397

Table A2 – Consumer Price Index Assumptions

Year Rate
2015/16 -0.1%
2016/17 1.0%
2017/18 2.6%
2018/19 2.2%
2019/20 2.0%
2020/21 2.0%

(Source: Office for Budget Responsibility)


Email: Philip Duffy,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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