The Impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland - Tracking Study - Sweep 3 Report

The aim of the study is to explore the impact of on-going welfare changes on a range of households in Scotland over time. This report provides the findings from the first three sweeps of interviews, conducted between September 2013 and March 2015. It looks at cumulative impacts over time as well as findings from an in depth module on support accessed by those claiming benefits.


Beatty, C., & Fothergill, S. (2015). Welfare Reform Committee 1st Report, 2015 (Session 4) The Cumulative Impact of Welfare Reform on Households in Scotland. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Department for Work and Pensions. (2012a). Explanatory Memorandum to The Benefit Cap (Housing Benefit) Regulations 2012 No. 2994.

Department for Work and Pensions. (2012b). Disability Living Allowance Reform - Impact Assessment. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Graham, H., Lister, B., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R. and Raeside, R. (2014). The Impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland - Tracking Study: Year 1 Report. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Gray, P. (2014). An Independent Review of the Personal Independence Payment Assessment. London: The Stationery Office. Available at: (Accessed 29 April 2015)

Harrington, M. (2010). An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment. London: The Stationery Office. Available at: (Accessed 29 April 2015)

Lister, B., Graham, H., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R. and Raeside, R. (2014). The Impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland - Tracking Study: Interim Report to Scottish Government. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Litchfield, P. (2014). An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment - year five. Department for Work and Pensions. Available at: capability-assessment-independent-review-year-5 (Accessed 9 February 2015)

National Audit Office. (2014). Universal Credit: progress update (HC 786). Available at: (Accessed 29 April 2015)

Scottish Government Office of the Chief Economic Adviser. (2015). Monthly Economic Brief: February 2015. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Scottish Government. (2014). Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Act 2012. Annual Report - 2014. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Available at: (Accessed 29 April 2015)

UK Government. (2012). Welfare Reform Act 2012, Chapter 5. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2015)

Webster, D. (2015). Briefing: The DWP's JSA/ESA sanctions statistics release, 18 February 2015. Available at: (Accessed 29 April 2015)

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication cannot be made available by Scottish Government for further analysis as Scottish Government is not the data controller.


Email: Alison Stout

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