
Impacts of the sale of house coal and the most polluting manufactured solid fuels: report

We commissioned this evidence review to inform proposals for introducing a ban on the sale of house coal and high sulphur content manufactured solid fuels in Scotland.


1. Defra Impact Assessment

2 Scottish Government Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment template

3. Scotland's Census

4. Scottish Household Survey 2019: annual report

5. Scottish House Condition Survey

6. UK Informative Inventory Report 1990 to 2020

7. National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory UK Spatial Emissions Inventory

8. National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory emission factors detailed by source and fuel

9. Research to understand burning in UK homes and gardens

10. Summary results of Defra domestic wood use survey

11. UK Informative Inventory Report 1990 to 2020 section 3/4/7/2/1

12. Digest of UK Energy Statistics calorific values and density of fuels

13. European Environment Agency air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019

14. Defra Impact Assessment

15. Defra air quality appraisal impact pathways approach

16. UK Government Green Book supplementary guidance

17. The Air Quality Domestic Solid Fuels Standards England Regulations 2020

18. Defra air quality appraisal impact pathways approach

19. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2020

20. Scottish data zone boundaries 2011

21. Smoke Control Areas in Scotland

22. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020

23. Price-Allison, Andrew & Mason, Patrick & Jones, Jenny & Kumi Barimah, Eric & Jose, Gin & Brown, Aaron & Ross, Andrew & Williams, Alan. (2021). The Impact of Fuelwood Moisture Content on the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from a Wood Stove. Combustion Science and Technology. .

24. UK Government Rural Urban Classification

25. UK Government Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings Table 11 page 224

26. Masey, Nicola, Scott Hamilton, and Iain J. Beverland. "Development and evaluation of the RapidAir® dispersion model, including the use of geospatial surrogates to represent street canyon effects." Environmental Modelling & Software (2018).

27. Technical Report on UK supplementary assessment under the Air Quality Directive, Air quality Framework Directive and Fourth Daughter Directive Appendix 4

28. Assessment of benzo a pyrene atmospheric concentrations in the UK to support the establishment of a national PAH objective

29. Background mapping data for local authorities 2018

30. Measurement and modelling of fine particulate emissions (PM10 and PM2.5) from wood-burning biomass boilers

31. Defra impact pathways approach guidance for air quality appraisal

32. Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP)

33. UK Government air quality appraisal damage costs guidance

34. Total core scenario impact does not equal the sum of each pathway as the monetised output has been rounded to three significant figures

35. Total core scenario impact does not equal the sum of each pathway as the monetised output has been rounded to three significant figures

36. According to industry stakeholders

37. UK Government Green Book supplementary guidance valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal

38. Defra Impact Assessment

39. European Environment Agency small combustion 2019

40. UK Government Green Book supplementary guidance valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal

41. UK Government Green Book supplementary guidance valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal

42. Scottish Government population estimates summary

43. Definitions of these categories were not possible to be disclosed

44. Table 11, p. 224,



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