
Maternity and neonatal care - Best Start implementation: equality impact assessment

In January 2017 we published The Best Start: A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland. The report contains 76 recommendations which focus on putting families at the centre of maternity care.

Implementation of the Best Start: A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland (EQIA)

Title of policy/practice/strategy/legislation etc. - Equality Impact Assessment Screening

Minister - Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman MSP

Lead official - Kirstie Campbell, Maternal and Infant Health

Officials involved in the EQIA - Beverley Lamont, Amy Brown, Stephanie Rodger-Phillips, Maternal and Infant Health Team

Directorate: Division: Team - Directorate for Children and Families: Improving Health and Wellbeing Division: Maternal and Infant Health Team

Is this new policy or revision to an existing policy? Implementation of The Best Start, published in 2017, following the Strategic Review of Maternity and Neonatal Services in Scotland in early 2015.



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