
Implementation of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) school coordinators - strategic environmental assessment pre-screening

A strategic environmental assessment (SEA) pre-screening notification on the implementation of DYW school coordinators.

Implementation of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) School Coordinators : Pre-screening Notification

SEA Pre-Screening Document

Responsible Authority:

The Scottish Government

Title of the plan:

Implementation of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) School Coordinators

What prompted the plan:
(e.g. a legislative, regulatory or administrative provision)

Established in 2014, the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Regional Groups are a network of 21 industry led groups tasked with strengthening employer engagement with education.

Strengthening the role of Regional DYW Groups was outlined in recommendations published by the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board (2020) (ESSB) and the Young Person Guarantee No One Left Behind (2020). The ESSB recommendations identified a need to add capacity through the introduction of funded DYW School Coordinators across all secondary schools.

Plan subject:
(e.g. transport)

Employability, Fair Work and Skills – Young Person's Guarantee - DYW

Brief summary of the plan:
(including the area or location to which the plan related)

DYW School Coordinators will be implemented in all public mainstream secondary schools across all of Scotland.

The main role of a DYW School Coordinator will be to support senior management in the school to embed the Developing the Young Workforce Strategy and other employer offers within the curriculum. They will create and implement a structure for employer engagement which reflects the school's demographic and maintain a robust network of partners within the local business community.

Brief summary of the likely environmental consequences:
(including whether it has been determined that the plan is likely to have no or minimum effects, either directly or indirectly)

The DYW School Coordinators will work from existing school buildings so we foresee minimal environmental impacts –
pre-screening being conducted on grounds of self-exemption.

The plan will not effect:

biodiversity; human health; fauna; flora; soil; water; material assets; cultural heritage, or landscape.

Air and climatic factors are not likely to be effected, and if are, the impact is/will be minimal.

The plan will effect a large population, however it does not have environmental consequences.

Date of opinion:




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