
Implementation of The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004: report to Parliament 2013

Progress report on the implementation of the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended).

The principal factors giving rise to the additional support needs

Pupils for whom reason for support is reported Learning disability Dyslexia Other specific learning difficulty ( e.g. numeric) Other moderate learning difficulty Visual impairment Hearing impairment Deafblind Physical or motor impairment
Aberdeen City 2,710 437 159 302 401 118 70 5 182
Aberdeenshire 10,567 1,467 1,363 1,490 2,906 268 141 * 698
Angus 1,488 215 87 142 240 42 41 * 124
Argyll & Bute 1,814 182 324 279 260 64 39 0 134
Clackmannanshire 1,601 235 174 212 21 29 27 0 102
Dumfries & Galloway 4,409 387 169 588 2,001 150 83 * 184
Dundee City 2,398 235 141 139 518 63 71 0 165
East Ayrshire 3,126 330 382 152 729 80 53 0 137
East Dunbartonshire 2,939 208 414 830 60 109 48 0 151
East Lothian 2,953 438 372 248 673 53 43 * 183
East Renfrewshire 2,558 266 832 321 133 108 58 0 144
Edinburgh City 9,381 1,058 1,051 714 304 173 156 * 588
Eilean Siar 966 28 113 232 174 20 21 0 36
Falkirk 2,923 592 278 402 499 105 80 * 170
Fife 6,892 579 1,344 754 798 152 189 * 431
Glasgow City 21,315 2,441 1,170 963 1,862 429 333 9 685
Highland 7,246 564 986 1,044 770 118 110 * 280
Inverclyde 2,173 457 502 175 222 68 55 0 98
Midlothian 1,839 231 248 161 246 53 37 * 132
Moray 2,384 164 319 424 503 54 28 * 126
North Ayrshire 3,972 470 622 504 975 87 57 * 139
North Lanarkshire 3,594 1,016 194 223 563 148 112 * 250
Orkney Islands 577 45 117 120 48 13 8 0 21
Perth & Kinross 5,095 406 763 611 662 104 90 0 456
Renfrewshire 3,233 476 361 287 313 118 78 0 214
Scottish Borders 2,520 304 216 370 557 38 36 * 117
Shetland Islands 678 24 102 84 132 15 6 0 66
South Ayrshire 2,961 513 539 329 885 127 52 * 164
South Lanarkshire 6,272 990 867 468 1,227 181 128 * 300
Stirling 2,817 318 372 396 23 71 59 * 129
West Dunbartonshire 4,562 160 283 331 689 45 34 0 99
West Lothian 3,222 438 480 375 443 90 46 * 214
Grant aided(1) 342 185 24 19 27 80 52 0 110
Scotland 131,527 15,859 15,368 13,689 19,864 3,373 2,441 45 7,029
Language or speech disorder Autistic spectrum disorder Social, emotional and behavioural difficulty Physical health problem Mental health problem Interrupted learning English as an additional language Looked after More able pupil
Aberdeen City 298 333 549 162 36 63 573 126 8
Aberdeenshire 1,130 630 2,783 673 210 276 1,220 337 235
Angus 189 139 383 74 13 24 121 166 30
Argyll & Bute 230 148 353 110 17 14 48 93 *
Clackmannanshire 255 79 521 57 18 25 97 181 9
Dumfries & Galloway 340 306 617 153 25 16 218 333 18
Dundee City 227 298 688 95 24 39 112 112 12
East Ayrshire 474 125 612 168 26 62 104 367 67
East Dunbartonshire 121 314 294 163 25 36 256 88 85
East Lothian 311 138 721 145 50 29 139 104 44
East Renfrewshire 247 245 321 103 13 6 253 59 21
Edinburgh City 924 609 1,362 478 96 199 3,113 302 210
Eilean Siar 141 43 197 53 5 15 48 32 125
Falkirk 396 240 687 257 36 18 91 233 14
Fife 496 504 1,441 394 29 73 542 544 79
Glasgow City 1,344 1,493 3,501 1,430 193 259 6,862 1,394 410
Highland 651 654 1,704 380 56 109 855 117 81
Inverclyde 119 206 374 104 19 20 36 74 71
Midlothian 254 165 496 134 30 41 143 117 12
Moray 261 145 516 119 74 50 260 53 25
North Ayrshire 302 201 608 196 23 59 75 293 68
North Lanarkshire 522 541 724 228 31 28 161 158 12
Orkney Islands 118 63 92 24 * 7 * 7 14
Perth & Kinross 699 267 1,493 246 234 146 597 111 74
Renfrewshire 277 233 568 219 34 46 223 184 66
Scottish Borders 215 84 443 80 20 16 269 73 19
Shetland Islands 108 52 159 53 26 15 23 14 22
South Ayrshire 308 223 1,066 228 76 93 111 205 23
South Lanarkshire 556 726 1,081 320 58 150 232 219 44
Stirling 342 147 634 121 11 33 200 183 41
West Dunbartonshire 180 191 1,053 221 14 20 165 80 286
West Lothian 507 347 594 139 23 39 388 151 12
Grant aided(1) 166 57 80 71 * 42 * 68 *
Scotland 12,708 9,946 26,715 7,398 1,553 2,068 17,547 6,578 2,243
Communication Support Needs Young Carer Bereavement Substance Misuse Family Issues Risk of Exclusion Other Not disclosed/declared
Aberdeen City 111 9 18 7 75 11 191 *
Aberdeenshire 155 63 66 * 474 60 484 15
Angus 26 19 * 0 5 * 75 *
Argyll & Bute 25 * * 0 35 * 218 *
Clackmannanshire 29 28 11 5 101 6 116 *
Dumfries & Galloway 103 9 * 0 39 0 224 *
Dundee City 41 * 6 * 48 11 347 0
East Ayrshire 22 5 6 0 39 14 273 *
East Dunbartonshire 61 13 21 * 142 10 303 *
East Lothian 37 14 10 * 131 12 232 *
East Renfrewshire 39 * 7 0 24 0 195 5
Edinburgh City 146 75 20 0 232 15 1,163 *
Eilean Siar * * * 0 17 * 81 0
Falkirk 216 67 12 * 174 18 233 0
Fife 85 32 19 0 91 7 411 *
Glasgow City 1,176 194 426 121 2,429 491 2,235 15
Highland 136 26 42 * 304 21 809 20
Inverclyde 30 * * 0 17 0 241 0
Midlothian 26 11 5 0 43 * 215 0
Moray 86 17 15 9 217 18 159 0
North Ayrshire 67 52 12 0 107 5 434 *
North Lanarkshire 50 6 10 0 31 5 129 *
Orkney Islands * * 14 0 24 0 22 0
Perth & Kinross 41 80 35 17 215 30 529 7
Renfrewshire 45 12 25 7 195 20 247 10
Scottish Borders 29 11 14 0 48 9 289 *
Shetland Islands 16 * 7 * 35 * 131 0
South Ayrshire 42 * 5 * 61 * 229 0
South Lanarkshire 273 20 38 10 374 31 579 13
Stirling 80 47 12 * 83 7 402 0
West Dunbartonshire 30 6 23 * 72 10 906 9
West Lothian 33 7 6 0 156 * 269 5
Grant aided(1) 99 * * 0 0 0 71 0
Scotland 3,380 842 898 194 6,038 833 12,442 127


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