
No One Left Behind and the Young Person's Guarantee: implementation evaluation

The evaluation explores how effectively No One Left Behind and the Young Person’s Guarantee had been implemented, the experiences of service providers and service users, and lessons from early delivery. The evaluation took place between May and December 2022.

Annex B – Surveys

Survey of employability staff

Section A: Intro

Which of the following best describes your organisation? Please select one.

1 - Local authority

2 - College

3 - Third sector (charity or social enterprise)

4 - Private sector

5 - Other (please specify)

Which of the following best describes your main job role? Please select one.

1 - Front line: key worker, employability support worker and others who work directly with clients

2 - Management: employability lead and others who design and manage employability programmes

3 - Work / Careers coach

4 - Employer engagement lead

5 - Training provider

6 - Other (please specify)

How long have you been working in employability services in Scotland? Please select one.

1 - Less than a year

2 - 1-2 years

3 - 3-5 years

4 - 6-10 years

5 - More than 10 years

Section B: Service delivery

What type(s) of employability services do you deliver? Please select all that apply.

1 - Tailored one-to-one support

2 - Mentoring

3 - Group sessions to develop employability skills

4 - Signposting to other sources of support to address barriers

5 - Support to access education and training opportunities

6 - Support to access volunteering or work placement opportunities

7 - Training

8 - Careers information, advice and guidance

9 - Job search support

10 - Support for interview skills

11 - Support for CV development

12 - Other (please specify)

To what extend do you agree that the employability services you deliver are:

1 - Person-centred - people who use our services are at the centre of everything we do

2 - Flexible

3 - Based on dignity and respect

4 - Delivered in partnership with other organisations

5 - Focused on finding solutions for people

Response options: Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree not disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don't know

To what extend do you agree that these are barriers to the employability services you deliver:

1 - Lacking strategic vision

2 - Under-staffed

3 - Under a lot of time-pressure

4 - Too much administration

How aware are you of the No One Left Behind strategy and its aims?

1 - Fully aware of No One Left Behind

2 - Aware of No One Left Behind but not in detail

3 - Not aware of No One Left Behind

4 - Don't know

How well do you think No One Left Behind has been implemented in your local authority area?

1 - Very well

2 - Fairly well

3 - Not very well

4 - Not at all well

5 - Don't know

How much of a difference has No One Left Behind made to the way employability services are delivered in your local authority area?

1 - Great deal – positive

2 - Fair amount – positive

3 - Just a little – positive

4 - Made no difference

5 - Just a little – negative

6 - Fair amount – negative

7 - Great deal – negative

8 - Don't know

To what extent has No One Left Behind made a positive difference to the following aspects of employability services in your local authority area?

1 - Improved partnership working between local authority and delivery partners

2 - Enabled more people to be supported

3 - Improved equality of service provision

4 - More flexible, person-centred support

5 - Made employability services easier for people to navigate

Response options: To a great extent / To some extent / Hardly at all / Not at all / Don't know

Could you describe any other positive or negative differences you think No One Left Behind has made to the way employability services are delivered in your local authority area? Please be as specific as you can.

Open Ended

How aware are you of the Young Person's Guarantee and its aims?

1 - Fully aware of the Young Person's Guarantee

2 - Aware of Young Person's Guarantee but not in detail

3 - Not aware of Young Person's Guarantee

4 - Don't know

How well do you think Young Person's Guarantee has been implemented in your local authority area?

1 - Very well

2 - Fairly well

3 - Not very well

4 - Not at all well

5 - Don't know

How much of a difference has the Young Person's Guarantee made to the way employability services are delivered to young people in your local authority area?

1 - Great deal – positive

2 - Fair amount – positive

3 - Just a little – positive

4 - Made no difference

5 - Just a little – negative

6 - Fair amount – negative

7 - Great deal – negative

8 - Don't know

To what extent has the Young Person's Guarantee made a positive difference to the following aspects of employability services for young people in your area?

1 - Creation of additional training opportunities

2 - Creation of additional apprenticeship opportunities

3 - Enabled more employer engagement

4 - Enabled more use of ERI

5 - Improved partnership working between local authority and delivery partners

6 - More flexible, person-centred support

7 - Made employability services easier for young people to navigate

Response options: To a great extent / To some extent / Hardly at all / Not at all / Don't know

Could you describe any other positive or negative differences you the Young Person's Guarantee has made to the way employability services are delivered in your local authority area? Please be as specific as you can.

Open Ended

To what extent do you agree that the Young Person's Guarantee was the right response to mitigating the impact of the pandemic on young people's progression in learning and work?

1 - Strongly agree

2 - Tend to agree

3 - Neither agree or disagree

4 - Tend to disagree

5 - Strongly disagree

6 - Don't know

Section C: Clients accessing employability services

Approximately what share of the people you deliver employability services to are:

1 - Under the age of 25

2 - Aged between 25 and 50

3 - Over the age of 50

Response options: None or almost none / Less than half / Around half / More than half / All or almost all / Don't know

Approximately what share of the people you deliver employability services to have the following characteristics:

1 - Disabled

2 - Ethnic minority

3 - Pregnancy or maternity

Response options: None or almost none / Less than half / Around half / More than half / All or almost all / Don't know

Approximately what share of the people you deliver employability services to experience the following barriers to accessing and sustaining employment?

1 - Childcare responsibilities

2 - Single parent

3 - Living in poverty

4 - Caring responsibilities

5 - Experience of being in care

6 - Experience of the justice system / prison

7 - Lack of access to transport

8 - Low confidence / self-esteem

9 - Mental health and wellbeing issues

10 - Housing issues

11 - Substance misuse

12 - Lack of suitable job opportunities

13 - Lack of work experience

14 - Lack of skills/qualifications

Response options: None or almost none / Less than half / Around half / More than half / All or almost all / Don't know

Section D: Recommendations

What (if any) of the following do you think could be done to further improve employability services in your local authority area? Please select all that apply.

1 - Creation of more training opportunities

2 - Creation of more apprenticeship opportunities

3 - More employer engagement

4 - Provision of mental health support within employability services

5 - More partnership working with housing

6 - More partnership working with health

7 - More partnership working with social care

8 - Provision of more individualised support

9 - Creation of more private spaces for confidential discussions

10 - More time available to support each client

12 - More face to face contact with clients

13 - None of the above

Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions as to how employability services in your local authority area could be further developed or improved? Please be as specific as you can.

Open Text Box

Survey of service users

Section A: Engagement with employment support services

How many times have you accessed employment support services?

Please answer this question in relation to the number of different occasions you have accessed employment support rather than the number of individual contacts you have had with the service.

1 - Once

2 - Twice

3 - Three to five times

4 - Six to ten times

5 - More than ten times

6 - Don't know / can't remember

When did you access employment support services? Please select all that apply.

1 - Before 2019

2 - 2019

3 - 2020

4 - 2021

5 - 2022

Don't know / can't remember

[For those that answer 1 - Before 2019 then survey is closed]

How did you hear about the employment support service you accessed? Please select all that apply.

1 - At the Job Centre

2 - From a careers adviser

3 - From a training provider

4 - From an employer

5 - From friends or family

6 - Through social care services

7 - From previous engagement with the employment service

8 - Through social media

9 - Poster / advert

10 - Other, please specify

11 - Don't know / can't remember

What were you hoping to get out of the service? Please select all that apply. Rotate answers

1 - Careers advice / help with what types of work would suit me

2 - Build confidence

3 - Support to access education

4 - Support to access training

5 - Support to access apprenticeships

6 - Support to help you find a job

7 - Work experience / volunteering

8 - Support to help you return to work from absence / sick leave

9 - Support to help you remain in work

10 - Other, please specify

11- Don't know / can't remember

12 - Prefer not to say

What type(s) of support did you access? Please select all that apply.

1 - One-to-one support from a key worker

2 - Job search support

3 - Careers information, advice and guidance

4 - Support for CV development

5 - Support for interview skills

6 - Support to access education or training

7 - Support to access an apprenticeship

8 - Support to access volunteering or work placement opportunities

9 - Support to put in place a reasonable adjustment at work

10 - Support to access childcare

11 - Group sessions to develop employability skills

12 - Mental health support

13 - Other (please specify)

How easy or difficult did you find it to access employment support services?

1 - Very easy

2 - Fairly easy

3 - Neither easy nor difficult

4 - Fairly difficult

5 - Very difficult

6 - Don't know / can't remember

7 - Prefer not to say

Can you say why you found it easy or difficult to access employment support services? Please be as specific as you can.

Respondents Write In Textbox

At the time you engaged with the service, were you experiencing any of the following? Please select all that apply.

1 - Childcare responsibilities preventing you from accessing training or work

2 - Caring responsibilities preventing you from accessing training or work

3 - Lack of access to transport

4 - Low confidence / self-esteem

5 - Mental health and wellbeing issues

6 - Housing issues

7 - Worries about money

8 - Substance misuse

9 - Lack of suitable employment or training opportunities

10 - Lack of work experience

11 - Lack of skills/qualifications

12 - Other, please specify

Which of the following best describes your status at the beginning of your most recent period of support?

1 - In education

2 - In training

3 - In an apprenticeship

4 - Employed full-time

5 - Employed part-time

6 - Self-employed

7 - Unemployed and looking for training

8 - Unemployed and looking for an apprenticeship

9 - Unemployed and looking for work

10 - Unemployed and unable to work at the time

11 - Unemployed and not looking for work

12 - Other, please specify

13 - Don't know

14 - Prefer not to say

Section B: Feedback on employment support services

Overall, how satisfied were you with the employment support services you received?

1 - Very satisfied

2 - Faily satisfied

3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4 - Fairly dissatisfied

5 - Very dissatisfied

6 - Don't know

7 - Prefer not to say

Can you say why you were dissatisfied with the employment support services you received? Please be as specific as you can.

Respondents Write In Textbox

To what extent did the employment services meet your needs?

1 - To a great extent

2 - To some extent

3 - Hardly at all

4 - Not at all

5 - Don't know

6 - Prefer not to say

Can you say why the employment services did not meet your needs? Please be as specific as you can.

Respondents Write In Textbox

Respect: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the employment services you accessed:

1 - Treated you with dignity and respect

2 - Were patient, kind and considered how you might feel

3 - Listened to you

4 - Treated you as an individual

5 - Respected your privacy

6 - Treat you fairly and without discrimination

7 - Were accessible

8 - Were flexible to meet your needs

Response options: Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree not disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don't know

Working for you: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the employment services you accessed:

1 - Were easy to find

2 - Were easy to access and engage with

3 - Recognised your existing experience and current situation

4 - Worked with you to tailor any support to what you wanted or needed

5 - Worked with you to find and access other relevant support that you might want or need

6 - Made communications as simple and clear as possible

7 - Worked in partnership with other organisations

8 - Were delivered by staff who were knowledgeable

Response options: Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree not disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don't know

What (if any) of the following do you think could be done to further improve employment support services in your area? Please select all that apply.

1 - More time available for one-to-one conversations

2 - Having a single point of contact

3 - Being listened to by your advisors

4 - Creation of more training opportunities

5 - Creation of more apprenticeship opportunities

6 - More access to employment opportunities that suit your skills and needs

7 - Provision of mental health support within employability services

8 - Access to other support services e.g. child care or transport

9 - Creation of more private spaces for confidential discussions

10 - Provide more informal peer-to-peer support and learning

11 - None of the above

12 - Other, please specify

Before this survey, has anyone in the employment support service asked you for your feedback on the service?

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - Don't know

4 - Prefer not to say

Did you know how to complain if you were unhappy with the support you received?

1 - Yes

2- No

3 - Don't know

4 - Prefer not to say

Section C: Outcomes from employment services

Are you currently accessing employment support services? Please select one.

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - Don't know

4 - Prefer not to say

Which of the following best describes your status when you left the service after your most recent contact?

1 - In education

2 - In training

3 - In apprenticeship

4 - Employed full-time

5 - Employed part-time

6 - Self-employed

7 - Unemployed and looking for training

8 - Unemployed and looking for apprenticeship

9 - Unemployed and looking for work

10 - Unemployed and unable to work at the time

11 - Unemployed and not looking for work

12 - Other, please specify

13 - Don't know

14 - Prefer not to say

Which of the following best describes your current status?

1 - In education

2 - In training

3 - In apprenticeship

4 - Employed full-time

5 - Employed part-time

6 - Self-employed

7 - Unemployed and looking for training

8 - Unemployed and looking for apprenticeship

9 - Unemployed and looking for work

10 - Unemployed and unable to work at the time

11 - Unemployed and not looking for work

12 - Other, please specify

13 - Don't know

14 - Prefer not to say

To what extent did the support you received through the employment services you accessed contribute to you going from [start_status] to [end_ status]?

1 - It made a big difference

2 - It made somewhat of a difference

3 - It made no difference

4 - It had a negative impact

5 - Don't know

6 - Prefer not to say

Section B: About you

We would now like to ask a few questions about you to understand who has participated in our research. This will help us understand if our findings are representative of all people who use employment services in Scotland. You don't have to answer any of the questions that you don't feel comfortable with and can select 'prefer not to say' and continue to the final question.

How old are you? Please select one.

1 - 16 – 17

2 - 18 – 24

3 - 25 – 34

4 - 35 – 44

5 - 45 – 54

6 - 55 – 59

7 - 60 – 64

8 - 65 – 74

9 - 75 +

10 - Prefer not to say

Which of the following best describes your gender? Please select one.

1 - Man

2 - Woman

3 - Non-binary

4 - My gender is not listed

5 - Prefer not to say

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

1 - Yes, limited a lot

2 - Yes, limited a little

3 - No

4 - Prefer not to say

What is your ethnic group?

1 - White

2 - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

3 - Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian

4 - African, Scottish African or British African

5 - Caribbean or Black

6 - Other ethnic group

7 - Prefer not to say

Would you describe yourself as care-experienced?

The term 'care-experienced' refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked-after background at any stage in their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked-after.

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - Don't know

4 - Prefer not to say

Would you describe yourself as a single parent?

1 - Yes, of a child under 1 years old

2 - Yes, of a child/children over the age of 1

3 - No

4 - Don't know

5 - Prefer not to say

Have you ever been convicted (i.e. found guilty) by a court in any country of a criminal offence?

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - Don't know

4 - Prefer not to say



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