
No One Left Behind and the Young Person's Guarantee: implementation evaluation

The evaluation explores how effectively No One Left Behind and the Young Person’s Guarantee had been implemented, the experiences of service providers and service users, and lessons from early delivery. The evaluation took place between May and December 2022.

Annex C – AppLife

Profile of AppLife participants
Profile Number
16-24 (YPG) 4
25+ (NOLB) 9
Man 6
Woman 7
Limiting health condition or disability
Yes 3
No 10
Ethnic minority 2
Not from an ethnic minority 11
Care experienced
Yes 3
No 10
Single parent
Yes 5
No 8
Yes 2
No 11
Total participants 12

Guide for participants:

Introductory note

The Ipsos AppLife mobile app will provide data on participants' experiences of employment support and how they feel about it in real time.

Details of the app and how it works are outlined below.

How does AppLife work

AppLife can be used to set up diary tasks for participants to complete multiple times. These tasks can include the following options:

Text responses - for entering open ended text messages

Photo - for taking pictures / selecting from gallery

Video - for making videos / selecting from gallery

Single- or multichoice questions, based on list of answers

Scheduled messages/reminders

Participants will download the app, for free, on their smartphone and use it over a one to two week period (but tasks will only be set on weekdays). Over this period, they will post content into the app (either using text, photo or video) and respond to prompts from moderators (the core research team) asking for clarification or more details about the content they have posted.

Participants will be provided with an information sheet explaining how they can access and use the app. The research team will also give them a telephone call in advance, talking them through how to use the app and to check whether anything has changed for them since we last spoke to them.

AppLife Task schedule

Day 1


  • Task to be showing from beginning of fieldwork

Task text

  • Welcome to AppLife! Thank you for taking part in this diary task. It would be great to know a bit about your employment journey so far.
  • Please introduce yourself by answering the questions below – this can be done via a 60 second recording (video or sound clip) or in writing if you would prefer.


  • Can you tell us a bit about any education, training or employment you are involved in at the moment?
  • How did you get into this? How easy or otherwise did you find it to access this opportunity?
  • What do you like best about what you are doing / is there anything you don't like about this?

Day 2


  • 2pm: "See today's quick task"

Task text

  • Quick task: Please take a photo of something or somewhere which is connected with your education, training and employment journey so far.
  • Please remember, do not upload a photo that includes anyone else's face in the picture.


  • Why did you choose this picture?

Day 3


  • 10am: "If you do something related to your education, training or employment journey today, remember to take just 60 seconds to tell us about it"

Task text

  • Please tell us about something you did today that was related to your education, training or employment journey. You can do this by recording and uploading a short 60 second video or sound clip, or by writing about your experience if you would prefer.
  • How did it made you feel?
  • Was there anything in particular that you liked/disliked about doing it?


  • Researcher to probe on whether participants felt:
  • They were treated with dignity/respect
  • The support they receive was tailored to their needs?
  • Any support services engaged with were easy to access?

Day 4


  • 12pm

Task text

  • There is no new task today. Feel free to catch up on previous tasks or have a break.


Day 5


  • 10am: "If you do something related to your education, training or employment journey today, remember to take just 60 seconds to tell us about it"

Task text

  • This is the final task for this week – but you are welcome to complete it over the weekend if you prefer.
  • Please tell us about something you did today that was related to your education, training or employment journey. You can do this by recording and uploading a short 60 second video or sound clip, or by writing about your experience if you would prefer.
  • How did it made you feel?
  • Was there anything in particular that you liked/disliked about doing it?


  • If possible, upload a picture of what you were doing. Please remember, do not upload a photo/video that includes any other people in the picture.
  • Researcher to probe on whether participants felt:
  • They were treated with dignity/respect
  • The support they receive was tailored to their needs?
  • Any support services engaged with were easy to access?

Day 6


  • 2pm: "See today's quick task"

Task text

  • Quick task: Please take a photo of something that you feel represents the barriers/challenges you may have faced in your employment journey so far.
  • Please remember, do not upload a photo that includes anyone else's face in the picture.


  • Why did you choose this picture?

Day 7


  • 10am: "If you do something related to your education, training or employment journey today, remember to take just 60 seconds to tell us about it"

Task text

  • Please tell us about something you did today that was related to your education, training or employment journey. You can do this by recording and uploading a short 60 second video or sound clip, or by writing about your experience if you would prefer.
  • How did it made you feel?
  • Was there anything in particular that you liked/disliked about doing it?


  • If possible, upload a picture of what you were doing. Please remember, do not upload a photo/video that includes any other people in the picture.
  • Researcher to probe on whether participants felt:They were treated with dignity/respect
  • Support they receive is tailored to their needs?
  • Support services are easy to access?

Day 8


  • 12pm

Task text

  • There is no new task today. Feel free to catch up on previous tasks or have a break.


Day 9


  • 2pm: "See today's quick task"

Task text

  • Take a photo of something that represents how you are feeling about the employment support you have been receiving recently.
  • Please remember, do not upload a photo that includes anyone else's face in the picture.


  • Why did you choose this picture?

Day 10


  • 10am: "Today is the final day of AppLife! Take 60 seconds to record a final diary entry"
  • 5pm: "As today is the final day of AppLife, there are no more taks. However, you can still use the app until Sunday at 11.59pm if you want to use that time to add any final thoughts or catch up on previous tasks."

Task text

  • Please tell us about something you did today that was related to your education, training or employment journey. You can do this by recording and uploading a short 60 second video or sound clip, or by writing about your experience if you would prefer.
  • How did it made you feel?
  • Was there anything in particular that you liked/disliked about doing it?


  • If possible, upload a picture of what you were doing. Please remember, do not upload a photo/video that includes any other people in the picture.
  • Researcher to probe on whether participants felt:They were treated with dignity/respect They were treated with dignity/respect
  • Support they receive is tailored to their needs?
  • Support services are easy to access?



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