Implementation of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009: report to the Scottish Parliament - 2019

Progress of work carried out in 2019 through the implementation of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009.

Annex B – Partnership Groups in flood risk management

  • The Scottish Advisory and Information Forum for Flooding (SAIFF) – SAIFF comprises of a series of working groups known as Task and Finish Groups. These groups are convened to develop specific guidance or undertake analysis of technical issues. Membership comprises of policy and technical experts.
  • Policy Management Group (PMG) - The PMG provides oversight and coordination across all working areas, its principal purpose is to give strategic oversight and to provide a co-ordination role in relation to the other SAIFF groups. This involves establishing Task and Finish Groups, monitoring their progress against their objectives, signing off completed work such as guidance documents. Membership consists of representatives from the Scottish Government, Scottish Water, the Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland, Heads of Planning Scotland, COSLA, SEPA, and the Chair of the Lead Local Authority Forum.
  • Lead Local Authority Forum (LLAF) - The LLAF shares good practice, exchanges information and addresses common issues arising through the work of the Local Partnerships in Scotland. Membership includes Lead Local Authorities, Scottish Water, Scottish Government and SEPA.
  • Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS) Flood Risk Group - The group enables sharing of good practice, development of guidance, partnership working and dissemination of information relating to flood risk management in Scotland. Membership includes Local Authorities, Scottish Government, COSLA, Scottish Water, SEPA, Emergency Resilience and Heads of Planning Scotland (HOPS
  • National Flood Management Advisory Group (NFMAG) – NFMAG brings together a number of key organisations to consider the progress that is being made to implement flood management protocol and strategies.



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