
Implementation of building information modelling within construction projects: SSPN 01/2017

This note advises that guidance on the provisions for adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been published.

Implementation of Building Information Modelling within construction projects


1. The purpose of this policy note is to advise that guidance on the provisions for adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been published.

Key messages

  • Scottish Government and relevant bodies in scope of the Scottish Public Finance Manual1 must assess their projects for BIM via the BIM Grading Tool2 for projects above £2,000,000. The public body will then comply with the results of the BIM Grading Tool and should adopt the BIM Guidance for public works contracts commencing procurement procedures3 from 6th April 2017.
  • Scottish Government and relevant bodies in scope of the Scottish Public Finance Manual with projects below £2,000,000, are asked to assess their projects for BIM (via BIM Grading Tool) and where applicable adopt the BIM Guidance into their procedures.
  • Other bodies that can award public contracts, and other organisations providing delivery mechanisms for the construction of public buildings and infrastructure, are asked to assess their projects for BIM (via BIM Grading Tool) and where applicable adopt the BIM Guidance into their procedures.


2. The Review of Scottish Public Sector Procurement in Construction4 recommended that BIM be adopted on Public Sector Projects where appropriate from April 2017.

3. In line with the BIM Implementation Plan for Scotland, Scottish Futures Trust in partnership with Scottish Government have been delivering a programme of works to support the Public Sector in the adoption of BIM.


4. BIM uses digital technology to improve the sharing and analysis of data during the construction and operational phase of projects. Improving data management and collaboration within projects will significantly improve efficiency and decision making in projects.

5. The introduction of BIM is a key catalyst to improve efficiencies in public sector infrastructure expenditure and support wider productivity within the construction industry.

6. In delivering a proportionate approach to BIM adoption, the BIM Grading Tool has been developed to allow for a project specific assessment of when and to what level BIM should be implemented for each project. The BIM Grading Tool considers project specific criteria including value and project specific factors.


7. The BIM guidance portal translates learning and best practice into a simplified approach to support public bodies implement BIM. This will enable the implementation of BIM under a consistent national approach.

8. The BIM Portal provides three key parts to support the implementation of BIM which includes:

  • when to adopt BIM by means of the BIM Grading Tool
  • why to adopt BIM by means of the BIM Return on Investment Tool
  • how to adopt BIM through the new guidance and BIM Navigator

The BIM Portal, which contains the new guidance, can be accessed at


9. Please bring this SPPN to the attention of all relevant staff within your field of responsibility to whom it may be of interest.


10. Any enquiries about this SPPN should be addressed to the BIM enquiry mailbox.


Any enquiries relating to this SPPN should be addressed to Scottish Procurement:

Scottish Procurement
The Scottish Government
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

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