
Whistleblowing arrangements: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy aims to ensure that staff can safely raise concerns where they are witness to risk, malpractice or wrongdoing that affects others.

Appendix 2

Further Information

Further information may be available from:
BSI Code of Practice on Whistleblowing Arrangements
Organisations can download a free copy of the 2008 British Standards Institution's Code of Practice on Whistleblowing Arrangements from

Public Concern at WorkFor information about the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, please visit:

NHSScotland Counter Fraud Service ( CFS)
Fraud Hotline on - 08000 15 16 28

Health Improvement Scotland

Elliott House
8-10 Hillside Crescent

Call 0131 623 4300

Audit Scotland

110 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 4LH

Tel: 0845 146 1010

General Chiropractic Council

44 Wicklow Street
London WC1X 9HL
Tel: 020 7713 5155

General Dental Council

37 Wimpole Street
London W1G 8DQ
Tel: 020 7887 3800

General Medical Council

GMC Scotland
5th Floor
The Tun
4 Jackson's Entry
Edinburgh EH8 8PJ
Tel: 0131 525 8700

General Optical Council

41 Harley Street
London W1G 8DJ
Tel: 020 7580 3898

General Osteopathic Council

176 Tower Bridge Road
London SE1 3LU
Tel: 020 7357 6655

Health Professions Council

184 Kennington Park Road
London SE11 4BU
Tel: 0845 300 4472 or 020 7840 9802

Nursing and Midwifery Council

23 Portland Place
London W1B 1PZ

Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

1 Lambeth High Street
London SE1 7JN
Tel: 020 7735 9141


This PIN Policy is based on the policy document "Speak up for a healthy NHS: How to implement and review whistleblowing arrangements in your organisation", which was developed for the NHS in England by Public Concern at Work ( PCaW) and the NHS Social Partnership Forum. Acknowledgement and thanks is due to PCaW and the Social Partnership Forum for granting permission to use this document in the preparation of this PIN Policy.

NHS Social Partnership Forum

The Social Partnership Forum brings together NHS Employers, trade unions and the Department of Health to discuss, debate and involve partners in the development and implementation of the workforce implications of policy for the NHS in England.

Public Concern at Work ( PCaW)

PCaW is the leading independent UK authority on whistleblowing. Established in 1993, PCaW provides confidential advice to individuals who witness wrongdoing at work and are unsure whether or how to raise a concern. Over the years PCaW has advised thousands of NHS staff members; worked with NHS organisations to help them meet best practice; and made submissions to the Shipman, Ayling and Neary Inquiries.

For more information about what PCaW does and why it matters, please visit or call 020 7404 6609.

PIN Policy Review Group

Chair: George Doherty Associate Director for Workforce, NHS Tayside
Members: Serena Barnett Head of Human Resources (East Dunbartonshire CHP), NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

David Forbes UNISON

Colin Poolman RCN

Alison Johnstone Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government

Darren Paterson Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government
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