
Implications of labour markets for the social care workforce: report

Independent research on the influence of national and local labour markets on the social care sector.

The Implications of National and Local Labour Markets for the Social Care Workforce: Final Report


An errata was published on 29/04/2020 at the following PDF pages:

Page iv: changed CCSP to CCPS
Page 6: changed Voluntary Sector HR Forum to Voluntary Sector Human Resources Forum
Page 10: removed bullet point: Appendix E – Stakeholder Organisations Consulted
Page 76: changed HSC to Health and Social Care

The pdf and html have both been updated within the document to reflect this change.


Executive Summary

1 Introduction

2 Policy Context

3 Scotland’s Social care workforce

4 Perceptions of Working in Social Care

5 Recruitment and Retention

6 Social Care Workforce Movement

7 Conclusions

Appendix A: Clarifications of Social Care Services in Scotland

Appendix B: Alignment of survey sample with the workforce

Appendix C: Comparison of Social Care Workforce and the Scottish Workforce

Appendix D: Clarification of Wage Rates



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