Importing bees into Scotland: guidance

Guidance on the requirements that apply to imports of bees into Scotland.

Additional information

Sales of Bees

It is good practice to keep records of beekeepers to whom you have sold any imported bees. This will enable them to be contacted quickly by the SG in the event of any pests and diseases being found in the imported consignment. Beekeepers registered on the BeeBase database (National Bee Unit) can record a purchase, sale or gift of bees within their BeeBase records.

A suggested form for keeping records of sales/purchases of bees is also included in the Healthy Bees Plan best practice publication ‘Advice for obtaining honey bees’, available on the advisory leaflets page of BeeBase. 

It is extremely important for beekeepers and others wishing to import bees to appreciate the significant role that they play in ensuring disease control. They should also note that they have a legal obligation to report any suspicion of a notifiable disease or pest to their Bee Inspector.  Good records should be kept which show who the imported bees have been passed on to which will enable others to be contacted quickly in the event of any notifiable pests and diseases being found in the imported consignment.

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